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Unit 5.  Human resource management may be defined as the organized function of planning for human resource needs, and recruitment, selection, development,

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5.  Human resource management may be defined as the organized function of planning for human resource needs, and recruitment, selection, development,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5

2  Human resource management may be defined as the organized function of planning for human resource needs, and recruitment, selection, development, compensation and evaluation of performance to fill those needs.

3 Human resource planning Staffing Training & development Performance appraisal compensation Recruitment Selection

4 1. Forecasting manpower demand 2. Forecasting manpower supply 3. Human resource actions

5  Filling and keeping filled, positions in the organization.  RECRUITMENT- identifying and attracting candidates who can fill the job vacancy appropriately  Sources of recruitment 1. Internal 2. external

6  Promotions  Transfers

7  Advertising  Voluntary applicants  Educational institutions  Employment agencies  Employee referral

8 Job analysis Design job description Design job specification Attract applicants Select the best person

9  Choosing the right person for the right job

10 Preliminary screening Application blank Physical examination Reference check Selection test interview selection

11  Training is provided to improve the performance of the employee in his area of work.  Development is long term in nature and facilitates the overall growth of the employee beyond the requirements of the present positions.

12  Measurement, evaluation and recording employee performance against these expectations and providing the employee with feedback regarding his performance

13  Wages paid directly to the employees for the amount of time worked or the number of units produced.  Compensation includes 1. Basic salary 2. Allowances 3. Protection plans 4. Services 5. Fringe benefits 6. Income supplements


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