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At the last Steering Team meeting… Goals (Rule-level) EPS (Measurable and Reportable) Natural Resources Human/Cultural Environment Administrative Avoid,

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Presentation on theme: "At the last Steering Team meeting… Goals (Rule-level) EPS (Measurable and Reportable) Natural Resources Human/Cultural Environment Administrative Avoid,"— Presentation transcript:

1 At the last Steering Team meeting… Goals (Rule-level) EPS (Measurable and Reportable) Natural Resources Human/Cultural Environment Administrative Avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts to ecosystem services Use Context Sensitive Solutions approach in design Conform to Executive Orders and ODOT plans/policies Avoid and protect significant cultural resources Achieve consistent, timely regulatory compliance Consult with stakeholders throughout project development Be compatible with and reduce time needed for project delivery process Avoid/minimize impacts to fish, wildlife, and sensitive plants Prevent pollution from entering air, water, and soil Enhance reuse and recycle construction debris Demonstrate conformance to Governor’s Sustainability Executive Order Account for aesthetic needs within sensitive corridors Ensure appropriate environmental justice requirements are met Avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts to ecosystem services and functions Use Context Sensitive Solutions approach for project design Conform to Executive Orders and ODOT plans/policies Avoid and protect significant cultural resources Develop and implement a monitoring/reporting plan to confirm performance standards are being met Follow variance protocols: ____ Meet programmatic permit documentation requirements: _______

2 A recommendation to clarify terms and the framework: Guiding Principles –Core standards crucial for an enterprise’s success. –Applies to all projects all the time. –Guides behavior and decision making.

3 DRAFT JTA Section 18 Guiding Principles Avoid, minimize, and offset impacts to natural resources. Pursue affordable resource enhancement opportunities. Balance transportation system needs with natural resource functions and processes. Design for long-term sustainability. Avoid, minimize, and offset impacts to human and cultural resources. Build projects that are sensitive to communities and their landscapes. Preserve scenic, aesthetic, and historic resources. Do not disproportionately affect environmental justice populations. Maintain safety and mobility. From project start to finish, employ efficient and cost effective project delivery practices. Collaborate with stakeholders throughout project development. Find opportunities to reduce time needed for project delivery processes. Natural Resources Human and Cultural Resources Administrative Processes Rule Level

4 PrinciplesMeans & methods to meet the principles Avoid, minimize, and offset impacts to natural resources. -- Time activities to avoid/minimize sensitive periods -- Cease work if impacts exceed acceptable thresholds -- Isolate work areas from sensitive species habitats -- Limit magnitude of impacts -- Provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts -- Etc. Pursue affordable resource enhancement opportunities. -- Use/recycle waste materials for enhancements -- Plantings -- Etc. Balance transportation system needs with natural resource functions and processes. -- Seek consensus with stakeholders -- Develop programmatic agreements -- Etc. Design for long-term sustainability.-- Account for potential climate change impacts to regional hydrology, habitats, and species. -- Enhance reuse and recycle construction debris -- Etc. Natural Resources Guiding Principles Avoid, minimize, and offset impacts to natural resources. Pursue affordable resource enhancement opportunities. Balance transportation system needs with natural resource functions and processes. Design for long-term sustainability. Rule Level

5 PrinciplesMeans & methods to meet the principles Avoid, minimize, and offset impacts to human and cultural resources. Identify critical resources early in project planning Limit magnitude of impacts Develop & utilize Corridor Management Plans Maintain Programmatic Agreements with partners and stakeholders Consult stakeholders early Etc. Build projects that are sensitive to communities and their landscapes Coordinate, early and often with public & key stakeholders to solicit concerns Etc. Preserve scenic, aesthetic, and historic resources. Develop & utilize Context Statements to address preservation Etc. Do not disproportionately affect environmental justice populations. Utilize ODOT’s Public Involvement Process Track EJ across projects Etc. Human/Cultural Resources Guiding Principles Avoid, minimize, and offset impacts to human and cultural resources. Build projects that are sensitive to communities and their landscapes. Preserve scenic, aesthetic, and historic resources. Do not disproportionately affect environmental justice populations.

6 PrinciplesMeans & methods to meet the principles From project start to finish, employ efficient and cost effective project delivery practices. Collaborate with stakeholders throughout project development. Find opportunities to reduce time needed for project delivery processes. Administrative Processes Guiding Principles From project start to finish, employ efficient and cost effective project delivery practices. Collaborate with stakeholders throughout project development. Find opportunities to reduce time needed for project delivery processes.

7 Means & methods to meet the principles -- Time activities to avoid/minimize sensitive periods -- Cease work if impacts reach/exceed acceptable thresholds -- Isolate work areas -- Limit magnitude of impacts -- Provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts -- Etc. T & E Fish Timing of In-Water Work Cessation of Work Fish Screens Provide Fish Passage Hydroacoustic Isolation of In-Water Work Area OTIA 3 EPS Avoid, minimize, and offset impacts to natural resources. OTIA 3 EPS Example

8 Construction Activities Preconstruction Clearing and Grubbing Equipment Control Construction Material Containment Demolition Earthwork Foundations In-Water Work Post-Construction Commitments Potential Effects Pathways Ground disturbance Pollutant discharge Noise Change in hydrology Stormwater Life cycle disruption AirWaterSoilsFishWild- life Habi- tats Contin ue… XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX A transportation project is composed of a set of construction activities… Which have potential effects on natural/human resources… Adverse effects can be mitigated for by applicable EPS… Natural Resources EPS

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