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Evolution of Web Accessibility Meenakshi Sripal COMS E6125.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of Web Accessibility Meenakshi Sripal COMS E6125."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of Web Accessibility Meenakshi Sripal COMS E6125

2 Web Accessibility is not difficult! Mostly it is common sense. Mostly it is common sense. Enables all types of users to interact with web browser using assistive technologies with ease. Enables all types of users to interact with web browser using assistive technologies with ease. Improving accessibility make the website more user- friendly and more usable. Improving accessibility make the website more user- friendly and more usable.

3 Facts about Web Accessibility 11 years ago (1996) – web accessibility issues began to arise with the release of HTML 3.2 Web Accessibility address the following needs: User-friendly and to decrease complexity Vision Impairment Motor and Mobility Impairment Cognitive Impairment Hearing/ Auditory Impairment Web Accessibility is also mandated by law Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

4 Issues/Challenges Throughout the web era, web architectures have become more complex with the addition of graphics and animation, video and audio, and personalized interactive rich media. Throughout the web era, web architectures have become more complex with the addition of graphics and animation, video and audio, and personalized interactive rich media. Making web pages accessible can be expensive. Making web pages accessible can be expensive. Needs of different web-based assistive technologies overlooked when implementing accessibility onto a website Needs of different web-based assistive technologies overlooked when implementing accessibility onto a website

5 Accessibility validation tools WebXact WebXact –Popular validator –Program that validates the HTML to test accessibility –Highlights errors –Also available online: Type any URL in this website and it will give you the accessibility report and list of defects if any:

6 Accessibility audits Cheaper and quicker, more comprehensive than accessibility testing Cheaper and quicker, more comprehensive than accessibility testing i.e. Digital Media Access Group i.e. Digital Media Access Group – /dmag/ /dmag/ /dmag/ –Consulting group offering variety of services:  An expert in accessibility field can evaluate web site for issues and provide recommendations  Provide training workshops and seminars  Create or redesign accessibility products

7 Assistive Technologies Screen Readers Screen Readers Screen Magnifiers Screen Magnifiers Speech Recognition Programs Speech Recognition Programs

8 Screen Readers Web users with vision (blind/low) and cognitive (dyslexia) impairment benefit from this technology. Web users with vision (blind/low) and cognitive (dyslexia) impairment benefit from this technology. Transforms web page content to speech using speech synthesizer or to Braille Transforms web page content to speech using speech synthesizer or to Braille Example: IBM Home Page Reader Example: IBM Home Page Reader –Can be downloaded from: –Can read images with and without alternative text  Image with alternative text: i.e. [Previous]  Image without alternative text: displays message part of src attribute ( i.e. [Image with no alt text: image.gif] ) –Can read maps with/without alternative text  Without alternative text: displays href attribute of MAP AREA (i.e. [Map: subst/home/home.htm]) –Can read graphs and charts with alternative descriptions: i.e. [Pie Chart: 75% cars and 25% trucks] Image Description

9 Screen Magnifiers Web users with low vision/partial sight benefit from this technology. Web users with low vision/partial sight benefit from this technology. Magnifies certain aspects of the screen for better viewing Magnifies certain aspects of the screen for better viewing Screen magnifiers in general: Screen magnifiers in general: –Possible to make sections of the screen 1 to 16 times bigger –Provide color inversion –Provide capability to make bigger font-sized text less blurry and less thicker when enlarged Example: Super Magnify Example: Super Magnify Common Challenge: Common Challenge: –Web browsers not big enough to provide an unified view when the text is enlarged. Hidden information revealed by repetitive scrolling the horizontal bars which can cause strain for individuals.

10 Speech Recognition Users with motor disability benefit from this technology. Users with motor disability benefit from this technology. Remove the barrier of typing on the keyboard by talking directly into the voice-enabled web site. Remove the barrier of typing on the keyboard by talking directly into the voice-enabled web site. Example: Example: –Archimedes Project's Total Access Processor Challenge: Challenge: –Not always 100 percent accurate of speech-to-text input into web browsers –Less useful for people whose English is their 2 nd language.

11 System design for web accessibility Developers should incorporate and evaluate accessibility design in all 3 stages: development, implementation, and testing.

12 Web accessibility between the developers and users Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Web Content Accessibility Guildelines (WCAG) User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG)

13 Web Accessibility Standards Web design standards Web design standards –i.e. W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Guidelines Guidelines –i.e. User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Checklists Checklists –i.e. IBM Web accessibility checklist

14 Current Research the study of multimodal representations is undergoing the research to embed the dynamic configuration of web user interfaces feature to save time and energy for the user with any disability to set their preferences the study of multimodal representations is undergoing the research to embed the dynamic configuration of web user interfaces feature to save time and energy for the user with any disability to set their preferences Futuristic Ideas Design a better validation tool that addresses broad range of users Design a better validation tool that addresses broad range of users Read and interpret the mathematical expressions and equations in its entirety… Read and interpret the mathematical expressions and equations in its entirety… Design speech recognition targeting foreign people with motor problems Design speech recognition targeting foreign people with motor problems

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