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Happy Design aka. Rapid Prototyping for the Web Why building backwards is faster, cheaper and delivers a better web product.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Design aka. Rapid Prototyping for the Web Why building backwards is faster, cheaper and delivers a better web product."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Design aka. Rapid Prototyping for the Web Why building backwards is faster, cheaper and delivers a better web product

2 So, here it is… Web design is undergoing a BIG change. Why?


4 1908 Hurley Machine Company Vacuum Cleaner

5 1993 Dyson Vacuum Cleaner

6 2003 iRobot’s Roomba

7 1896 Henry Ford’s First Car

8 1990 Ferrari

9 2001 Toyota Prius

10 2007 BMW Hydrogen 7

11 A big leap forward

12 Old Design Path The Aesthetics The System The Parts

13 Web Design: Old Way User Interface Application Layer Database

14 An Upside Down World

15 “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin

16 Web Design: New Way User Interface Application Layer Database

17 What is Rapid Prototyping? It’s is about actually building the product research user matrix graphs site maps schematics wireframes

18 Go back to kindergarten

19 The Alternative

20 Less Less mass Less software Less features Less documentation Less money Less support Less politics

21 Small Stay small Small teams are agile Small decisions Small changes Small problems

22 Interface Start with the interface Real screens that people are going to use Start with the experience Start with the hard stuff

23 Iterative Lower the cost of change Smoother project flow Frequent launches Allows tweaking Reduce fatigue

24 People Focused Users are human beings with emotions and anxieties Engineers are people too Not everyone can ‘see’ your ideas Speak to senses not concepts

25 “…But that’s the way it’s always been done.” Deals with the cause and not the symptoms Eliminates problems before it’s too late

26 Requirements Gathering “No other part of the work so cripples the resulting system if done wrong. No other part is more difficult to rectify later”. - Frederick Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month

27 The Spec

28 Real Examples

29 Show Functionality

30 Front and Back

31 Link to Real Examples

32 States Ideal Error Sample

33 Error 

34 Error


36 Sample 

37 Sample

38 Project Plans

39 Real Life ? ? ?

40 Budget ? Traditional Design Iterative Design

41 80:20 Revenue/ Activity Features

42 80:20 TimeFeatures

43 Advantages Faster Cheaper Visual Spec Marketing Tool User Testing Money Raising Tool And…

44 …No Waste

45 Questions?

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