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Where did you hear that? The Argumentative Essay.

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Presentation on theme: "Where did you hear that? The Argumentative Essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where did you hear that? The Argumentative Essay

2 Topics Brainstorm: Choose a list of topics that are somewhat controversial and can be argued can use topic from Compare/Contrast Essay

3 Choose Topics From your list, pick a topic that you would be interested in researching write the topic at the top of the numbered paper DO NOT write your name on the paper put paper aside for later

4 Argumentative Essay What is an argumentative essay? What type of information is included? What are the steps in writing an argumentative essay?

5 What is an argumentative essay? a type of writing that requires you to investigate a topic and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner As published on Purdue OWL’s website: every argumentative essay requires a “clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph” (2010)

6 Steps to follow 1.Choose a general topic 2.Do preliminary research 3.Create a research question 4.Do more in-depth research 5.Create an outline with a thesis and main points 6.Write a rough draft 7.Revise 8.Edit 9.Present findings 10.Write a final draft

7 Research Questions What is a research question? Why is a research question essential to the research process? How do you develop a research question?

8 What is a research question? clear, focused, concise, complex, arguable should create a question you are genuinely interested in researching

9 Why is it important? help writers focus their research provides a path through the research and writing process helps writers avoid the “all-about” paper

10 Steps to Develop a Question Choose an interesting topic Do some preliminary research on your general topic Consider your audience Start asking questions

11 Choose an interesting topic why would you want to study bugs if you aren’t interested choose a broad topic ex: economic depression, abortion

12 Do preliminary research use quick searches in periodicals and journals to see what information is already available this helps narrow your focus

13 Consider your audience usually the audience is academic Question to ask: Would that particular audience be interested in this question?

14 Start asking questions Ask the “why” and “how” questions example: How does abortion affect the woman? Why would a woman choose to have an abortion? Make sure your research question is clear Make sure your research question is complex

15 Practice Read the following research questions; decide whether they are clear or unclear Example: a. Why are social networking sites harmful? b. How are online users experiencing or addressing privacy issues on such social networking sites as Myspace and Facebook?

16 Answer b. because it gives specific examples of what social networking sites will be examined, as well as what type of “harm” people are experiencing with these websites.

17 Your turn Brainstorm a potential research question that goes along with your topic Write it on the numbered paper below your topic Once you are finished, I will be around to collect the papers

18 Works Cited George Mason University Writing Center. (2009, October 09). How to write a research question. Retrieved from http:// template.php?id=59

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