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 TOTEM ( Testing-Object OrienTed systEms) Test Methodology Darrel K. Farro Master Business Informatics University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20131.

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Presentation on theme: " TOTEM ( Testing-Object OrienTed systEms) Test Methodology Darrel K. Farro Master Business Informatics University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20131."— Presentation transcript:

1  TOTEM ( Testing-Object OrienTed systEms) Test Methodology Darrel K. Farro Master Business Informatics University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20131

2 Agenda  Authors  Dr. Lionel C. Brand  Dr. Yvan Labiche  TOTEM test methodology: definition & purpose  Origins  Main phases  Related literature  PDD explanation  Example  Use case sequential constraint  Directed graph  Derives dependency sequences  Questions University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20132

3 Authors Dr. Lionel C. Brand University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20133 University of Paris VI, France In 1986, Dr. Brand received his B.Sc in Geophysics and Computer Systems Engineering; In 1988, Dr. Brand received his M.Sc for the same course University of Paris, XI, France In 1994, Dr. Brand received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science (with high honor) Dr. Lionel C. Brand Leader of the Certus software V&V center and Professor at the University of Oslo Dr. Brand have founded SQUALL; Dr. Brand (not by himself) had over 135 publications in: Peer-reviewed journal and conferences; Book chapters and Technical reports

4 Authors Dr. Yvan Labiche University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20134 Dr. Yvan Labiche Associate professor at DSCE at Carlton University Blaise Pascal University, France In 1995, Dr. Yvan Labiche received his M.Sc of fundamental computer science and production systems; LAAS/CNRS in Toulouse, France In 2000, Dr. Yvan Labiche received his Ph.D in Software Engineering Dr. Yvan Labiche and Dr. Lionel C. Brand have written over 60 journals and conferences together;

5 Definition & Purpose  TOTEM test methodology is according to Briand and Labiche (2001, p.14) a “system test methodology, as far as deriving test requirements is concerned.” University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20135 Support the derivation of test requirements Determines the design of the system System engineers can Test plan Evaluate the size of a task Plan the appropriate resources Allows walkthroughs Allow early decision making prior to implementing a function/ use case

6 Origins  System testing  Complex system  Consists of many functionalities  Consists of many roles  Each role has its own goal  The sequence of the functionalities University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20136 (Idoughia, Kerkara & Kolski, 2007)

7 Main phases University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20137 Test Requirements & Sequences Generate code for Oracles Deriv e Embedding into executable test drivers 1 2 3 Deriv e

8 Related literatures  Fusion Object-oriented methodology (Sendall & Strohmeier, 1999)  OMT  BOOCH  CRC  Shlaer-Mellor methodology (Shlaer & Mellor, 1996)  Main focus is the implementation of architectural components into a software system  Coad-Yourdon methodology (Burleson, 2011)  Data flow diagrams  Define structure & attributes for the classes and their relationship University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20138 Integrated into one single framework

9 Related literature Positioning of TOTEM test methodology University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-20139 TOTEM 1. Fushion object- oriented 2. Shlaer- mellor 3. Coad- Yourdon’s 1.TOTEM does cover requirements capture and testing by using its artifacts e.g., ‘Sequence diagram’ 2.TOTEM does test the system by using for example its artifact called ‘Use case sequential diagram’ and ‘Directed graph’. 3.TOTEM’s artifacts inlcudes all Coad Youdon’s artifacts

10 Process-Delivery Diagram High-level overview University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-201310  Consists of 8 activities

11 Process-Delivery Diagram Low-level overview University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-201311

12 TOTEM test methodology Example University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-201312 Use Case sequential constraint Directed graph

13 TOTEM test methodology Continued University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-201313  Seq 1: A(user_id). B(user_id)  Seq 2: A(user_id). C(user_id, d_id). D(user_id, d_id)  Seq 3: A(user_id). C(user_id, d_id). E(user_id, income) Parametrized Use Case sequences - A(user_id).B(user_id) - C(user_id, d_id).D(user_id, d_id) - (A(user_id)||C(user_id, d_id)).E(user_id, d_id) Parameter Instances (Symbolic values) -User(1): user_id -Department(1): d_id -Income(1): income

14 References  Briand, L., & Labiche, Y. (2001). A UML-Based Approach to System Testing. Computer Science, 1 (1), 194-208. doi:10.1007/s10270-002-0004-8  Burleson, D. (2011). Object-Oriented Analysis Models - Rumbaugh, Booch, Coad-Yourdon, and Shlaer-Mellor Method. Retrieved February 17, 2012, from dba-oracle: http://www.dba-  Idoughia, D., Kerkara, M. & Kolski, C.. (2007). Towards new web services based supervisory systems in complex industrial organizations: Basic principles and case study, Retrieved April 11, 2012, from: gr21.jpg  Sendall, S., & Strohmeier, A. (1999). UML-Based Fusion Analysis. 1723, pp. 278-291. Colorado: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-46852-8_20  Shlaer, S., & Mellor, J. S. (1996). The shlaer-mellor method. California: Project Technology.  Strohmeier, A. (2000, October 19). Fusion/UML Overview. Retrieved February 17, 2012, from EPFL | IC: /introduction/overview_fusion-UML.pdf University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-201314

15 Questions? University Utrecht / MBI Class 2012-201315

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