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Averages Mean Median Mode Range.

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Presentation on theme: "Averages Mean Median Mode Range."— Presentation transcript:

1 Averages Mean Median Mode Range

2 Averages Mean - The total divided by how many Median Mode Range

3 Averages Mean - The total divided by how many Median - The middle number in size order Mode Range

4 Averages Mean - The total divided by how many Median - The middle number in size order Mode - The most common one. Range

5 Averages Mean - The total divided by how many Median - The middle number in size order Mode - The most common one. Range - How far apart your values are.

6 Averages MEAN - The total divided by how many 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the MEAN?

7 Averages MEAN - The total divided by how many 5 children’s heights are 132, 141, 118, 120, 118 Mean = 5

8 Averages MEAN - The total divided by how many 5 children’s heights are 132, 141, 118, 120, 118 Mean = 5

9 Averages MEAN - The total divided by how many 5 children’s heights are 132, 141, 118, 120, 118 Mean = 629 5

10 Averages MEAN - The total divided by how many 5 children’s heights are 132, 141, 118, 120, 118 Mean = cm

11 Averages Median - The middle number in size order 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the MEDIAN?

12 Averages Median - The middle number in size order 5 children’s heights are 118cm, 118cm, 120cm, 132cm, and 141cm What is the MEDIAN?

13 Averages Median - The middle number in size order 5 children’s heights are 118cm, 118cm, 120cm, 132cm, and 141cm This is the MEDIAN

14 Averages Mode - The most common one. 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the MODE?

15 Averages Mode - The most common one. 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the MODE? 118cm

16 Averages Range - How far apart your values are 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the RANGE?

17 Averages Range - How far apart your values are 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the RANGE? Biggest = 141cm Smallest = 118cm

18 Averages Range - How far apart your values are 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the RANGE? 141 and 118 are ______ apart.

19 Averages Range - How far apart your values are 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the RANGE? 141 and 118 are 141 – 118 apart.

20 Averages Range - How far apart your values are 5 children’s heights are 132cm, 141cm, 118cm, 120cm, and 118cm What is the RANGE? 23cm 141 and 118 are 23 apart.

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