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The to be verb challenge To be verbs pages 13-18 White Composition Style Book Please read through all pages.

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2 The to be verb challenge

3 To be verbs pages 13-18 White Composition Style Book Please read through all pages.

4 Editing your essay for state of being verbs. Am are Is Was Were Be Been Being


6 Reasons to avoid “to be” verbs 1. They are boring; they do not “show” Tom was here. ??????? Better to say… Tom joined the class. 2. They create passive construction

7 To be verbs often create passive voice Passive voice—the actor does not do the acting in the sentence. The road was crossed by the chicken The chicken is the actor; therefore, chicken needs to be the subject of the sentence.

8 The road was crossed by the chicken. Change this sentence from passive to active

9 The chicken crossed the road. What happened to the “to be” verb?

10 How hard was that?????

11 How do I recognize passive construction? A to be verb followed by a past participle… Was crossed

12 Also Look for to be verb+past pariticiple+ “by……” The shoes were purchased by the coach. Fix this sentence

13 The coach purchased the shoes. What happened to the to be verb? How hard was that?

14 When can I use a to be verb Usually, when the to be verb is not followed by a past participle: Jon is nice.

15 James is a wonderful person. ok James was injured by the flying debris. ok In this sentence, James is the focus of attention, not the flying debris.

16 After missing ten days of school, Lulu was tutored by her English teacher.

17 Identify the passive construction and rewrite the sentence. Many new strategies had been developed by the Harvard researchers.

18 Identify the passive construction and rewrite the sentence. The books could have been distributed by the teaching assistants.

19 Indicate another way in which passive construction can be identified in this sentence.

20 Identify passive construction and rewrite the sentence. The football players were coached. (implied by the…)

21 Offer one reason for avoiding to be verbs.

22 Offer another reason for avoiding to be verbs.

23 Respond to this sentence. Jon is a fine young man. Is the to be verb acceptable here?

24 Respond to this sentence: Mark was in the restaurant. Improve this sentence ????

25 Mark was in the restaurant. Even though this sentence has a “legal” to be verb, how could you give the sentence more imagery and avoid the “action- less” state of being verb?

26 Fix… The clerk was trying to sell me several more items than I needed.

27 Hint… Try to use the “ed” verb form instead of the “ing” form. I was walking through the gate. I walked through the gate.

28 Substitute a vivid, action verb for each to be verb:

29 The television was on all night.

30 We were in the family room when the tornado struck.

31 The concert was over at 12:00.

32 Expletive Construction There is There was There were Etc… There is one person waiting in line. One person remains standing in line.

33 There were many players who did not prepare for the game. Many players did not prepare for the game.

34 There are ten dogs in the pound. The dog pound has ten occupants. The pound currently houses ten dogs.

35 Unnecessary uses of to be He wanted a medication that was prescribed by a physician. He wanted a medication prescribed by a physician.

36 Other Unnecessary uses of to be She recognized the officer who was chasing the thief. She recognized the officer chasing the thief.

37 Anyone who is willing to work hard will succeed in this program. Anyone willing to work hard will succeed in this program.

38 It was Allan who told the principal about the student’s prank. Allan told the principal about the student’s prank.

39 A customer who is pleased will surely return. A pleased customer will surely return.

40 Choosing strong verbs in general I got the promotion I earned the promotion. I had opportunities to develop my skills. I sought out opportunities to … I did not want to show up without a gift I hesitated to show up without a gift.


42 Stand as soon as you can correct the passive construction You have three seconds to stand. Otherwise, remain in your seat. I will call on someone to answer. If your response is not correct, you must sit down; you have five seconds to answer. You will choose someone sitting to answer the next question. He or she must answer in 5 seconds. If you answer incorrectly, you must stay seated; otherwise, you should stand. You may then choose a sitting person to answer the next question. If the question is answered correctly, he or she may stand.

43 Indicate another way in which passive construction can be identified in this sentence.

44 Indicate one way in which passive construction can be identified in this sentence.


46 Indicate another way in which passive construction can be identified in this sentence.

47 Indicate one way in which passive construction can be identified in this sentence.

48 Finally, justify the passive construction in the next two slides. As harvest time approaches, apple trees are sprayed with a chemical to prevent insect infestation.

49 The goal is to have the entire room standing as soon as possible.

50 Indicate another way in which passive construction can be identified in this sentence.

51 Indicate one way in which passive construction can be identified in this sentence.

52 Please take out.... Composition Style Book Persuasive Essay Packet Faulty Logic Sheet from yesterday (North Allegheny Style Manual on line)

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