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Your life with CLEO + BTEV The bottom line: a We are a small, friendly, well supported group of particle physicists. a We work on a variety.

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Presentation on theme: "Your life with CLEO + BTEV The bottom line: a We are a small, friendly, well supported group of particle physicists. a We work on a variety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your life with CLEO + BTEV The bottom line: a We are a small, friendly, well supported group of particle physicists. a We work on a variety of interesting physics topics. a We contribute significantly to the design & construction of detectors and electronics. I am looking for (~2) enthusiastic students that like to roll up their sleeves & dive into some fascinating work. GSAC: Mats Selen, February 24, 2001


3 D S * and D S Fragmentation and P V a Try to understand charm production u Momentum distributions u Spin states c c Hadronization (QCD) D, D S, D*... e+e+ ee Johnson, Selen (graduated July/00)

4 D S * and D S Fragmentation and P V a Ds Yields as a function of x(Ds).44<x<.50.50<x<.56.56<x<.62.62<x<.68.68<x<.74.74<x<.80.80<x<.86.86<x<.92.92<x<.98.92<x<1

5 D S * and D S Fragmentation and P V a Comparison with Andersson model using parameters found by previous measurement

6 D S * and D S Fragmentation and P V P V = 0.45  0.05 Other experiments: Just counting spins we would expect P V = V / (V + P) = 3/4 +- V (J=1)P (J=0)

7 D 0  K   +  0 Resonant Substructure a Try to understand charm decay u Resonant substructure u QM Interference c Hadronization (QCD) D0D0 KK     Bergfeld, Selen (graduated May/00)

8 Locations of resonances in the Dalitz Plot and projections   + K* 0 K* - Non-Resonant D 0  K   +  0

9 Final Best Fit with Seven Resonances  + K* 0 K*  Non-Resonant K 0 (1430)  K 0 (1430) 0 K*(1680)   ’ + D 0  K   +  0 M(K      (GeV 2 ) M(       (GeV 2 )

10 D 0 mixing using D 0  K  e  D0D0 KK ee D* +  D0D0 mix mixed D0D0 KK ee D* +  Un-mixed Sedlack, Selen Using “neural net” techniques

11 B 0  D* l and V cb Last CLEO result: PRD 51, 1014 (1995) b B c l D* q 2 max Plager, Selen This is where the money is (q 2 max ) !


13 BTeV a B meson decays can tell us a lot about the Standard Model (and beyond), but we need more data. a For the next 5 years, B physics will be dominated by BaBar (SLAC), Belle (KEK) and CDF/D0 (FNAL). a BTEV is a new experiment (ready in 5 years) that will dominate B physics in the LHC era. a BTEV will collect more useable B data in a few days than the e + e - “B Factories” do in a year. a Motivation:

14 BTeV a Present knowledge: : Angles Sides :

15 BTeV Why forward? a Boost a B-B Correlation Central BTEV Boost: Key for triggering Key for large dataset!

16 If you work with me you will: u Do a physics analysis (of your choice) using CLEO data. (i.e. no waiting). u Work on BTEV trigger & Data Acquisition electronics. u Provide a significant contribution to both experiments (many people will know about you & your work). u You will be able to market yourself in both academics and industry. Your life with CLEO + BTEV

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