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The history of the Tower of London Richkova Viktoriy 6 B.

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1 The history of the Tower of London Richkova Viktoriy 6 B

2 The Tower of London is not really a tower: it is, or rather has been a royal place, a fortress & a prison& a place of excursion.

3 White tower It story begins with William the Conqueror. The construction of Tower took 20 years. It consists of 13 towers. The White Tower is the main tower.

4 The Bloody Tower. The Bloody Tower got its name from the murder of the little Prince, Edward V & his brother The Duke of York.

5 St. Tomas`s Tower was the prison of Sir Walter Raleigh. In the Bell Tower Sir Tomas More & also Princes Elizabeth (future Queen) were imprisoned. Beneath St. Thomas` s Tower there is a gate. In the old day prisoners were bought to Tower though this gate in barges which landed at the foot of the Bloody Tower.

6 All treasures of Tower are kept in the Wakefield Tower.

7 Beefeaters are the Yeomen of Warder. On important occasions they wear their very picturesque scarlet & gold Tudor dress.

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