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Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Alvarado 6 th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Alvarado 6 th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Alvarado 6 th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies

2 About the Teacher Grew up in Murrieta E. Hale Curran Shivela Middle School Murrieta Valley High School Degree from SDSU Multiple Subject Credential & Masters in Education

3 Language Arts Prentice Hall Literature textbook Core Novels 1.Bridge to Terabithia 2.The Cay 3.The Boy in the Painted Cave

4 Social Studies McDougal Littell World History textbook Use of SS Notebook to organize notes and worksheets DBQs

5 Grades Based on class work, homework, projects, tests, and quizzes. Homework is assigned Monday-Thursday (with occasional projects that require more time) Electronic grade book, updated regularly…received sign-in and password from Student Services??

6 Daily Supplies Pencils (mechanical or regular) Correcting Pens (no blue or black!) Colored pencils Paper (college-ruled) Three-pronged folder (for Social Studies Notebook) Another 3 prong folder for Language Arts Agenda

7 Supplies for Home Colored pencils, crayons, or markers Glue Scissors Colored paper Any other items that make projects shine

8 Keep Informed…click on “teachers”, Click on “Alvarado, Kelly” E-mail: Phone: 696-1410 x4521 Check your child’s agenda daily

9 Any Questions?

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