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 Soil is composed mostly of mineral particles, air, water, and organic matter— plants need all of these to live.  The quantities can vary and determine.

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2  Soil is composed mostly of mineral particles, air, water, and organic matter— plants need all of these to live.  The quantities can vary and determine the type of soil you have.

3  Sandy – light and drains rapidly  Clay – heavy, sticky, and becomes waterlogged  Medium loam – moisture retentive yet well drained

4  Acid Soil – yellow-orange, pH value below 7 and soil is acidic  Neutral Soil – bright green, pH value of 7 and soil is neutral  Alkaline Soil – dark green, pH above 7 and soil is alkaline

5  Clear the site—no roots, weeds, large rocks, etc.  Improve soil texture and structure— through both adding organic & inorganic matter.

6  ORGANIC MATTER –Well- rotted manure, leafmold (decomposed fallen leaves), composted shredded bark, plant fibers  Grass clippings, old flowers, coffee grounds, egg shells, craps for kitchen items (like cut-off peels, pieces of onion, apple cores, etc.) & other once living, but now dead things

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