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EO/GEO Team Response to Open GIS Consortium Catalog Interface RFP George Percivall February 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "EO/GEO Team Response to Open GIS Consortium Catalog Interface RFP George Percivall February 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 EO/GEO Team Response to Open GIS Consortium Catalog Interface RFP George Percivall February 1999

2 Page 2 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Main Topics - Agenda OpenGIS Catalog Interface RFP Issued by Open GIS Consortium ( ) Issued March 1998 OpenGIS Project Document Number 98-001 EO/GEO Team Response to RFP Based on CEOS CIP and FGDC GEO protocols Working to Converge Responses Working with NIMA Catalog Team Combined response to OGC in May 1999

3 February 1999 Page 3 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 OGC Catalog RFP - Key Requirements Specify standard interfaces for geospatial resource discovery and access services, independent of specific distributed computing platforms (DCPs) Specify specific profiles extending the general interface: CORBA, DCOM, SQL, Others Provide operations for creating and maintaining collections of geospatial datasets, including a metadata set and metadata entities associated with each stored dataset. A detailed description of how the profiles support interoperability among catalog services implemented in DCPs Consistent with other OpenGIS specifications

4 February 1999 Page 4 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Data Structure Classes of OpenGIS Catalog Services

5 February 1999 Page 5 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Responses to OGC RFP CEOS Catalog Interoperability Protocol (CIP) FGDC GEO Profile NIMA - Geospatial and Imagery Access Services (GIAS) EO/GEO Team Distributed Catalog Services (DCS) Nov. 1998 May 1999 Joint Submission (DCS and EO/GEO) Proposals to OGC Existing Protocols

6 February 1999 Page 6 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 EO/GEO Team International Collaborative Effort Industry Blue Angel Technologies Hammon, Jensen, Wallen and Associates, Inc. (HJW) Environmental Systems Research Institute Government Agencies FGDC NASA CCRS JRC

7 February 1999 Page 7 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 EO/GEO Proposal All messages formed in XML Search and Retrieval messages from Z39.50 XML passed over multiple Distributed Computing Platforms (DCPs): HTTP, CORBA, COM Bridges provide cross-DCP capability, without modifying XML messages ISO Metadata (15046-15, TC 211) as core for distributed search Supports search for collection and product metadata through hierarchical collections

8 February 1999 Page 8 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 GILS Domain LDAP Domain Client COM Domain GEO/OGC Gateway Proxy Client Clearinghouse GEO Domain GEO Server GEO Server GEO Server CIP Domain RM CORBA/OGC Gateway Proxy Client CORBA OMG Domain CORBA/OGC Gateway Proxy Client SQL ODBC Relational Database SQL/ ODBC Domain INTERNET Cross DCP Interoperability Proxy Client CIP/OGC Gateway CIP OGC Catalog Services XML

9 February 1999 Page 9 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Approach to Convergence Two responses presented to OGC in December 98 Desirable to merge two approaches Joint assessment of a single approach in January 99 Results reported Monday (2/8) to OGC Second unified submission planned for May 99 Global Information Discovery AltaVistaGEOCIP DCSSimpleFeatures Information Exploitation

10 February 1999 Page 10 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Cross-DCP Approach IDL for CORBA MIDL for COM XML DTDs for messaging General Model (UML) General Model (UML)

11 February 1999 Page 11 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Client (or webserver) Client (or webserver) Catalog server Catalog server Metadata server Metadata server translator Bridge Client Catalog server Catalog server OGC HTTP OGC HTTP OGC CORBA OGC CORBA Catalog Server Catalog Server Browsers Legacy OGC CORBA Application Servers OGC HTTP Metadata Server Metadata Server Catalog Server Catalog Server Catalog Service Interoperability - HTTP-CORBA Example

12 February 1999 Page 12 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Functional Decomposition of Catalog Services Discovery Service (mandatory) Discovery Service (mandatory) Access Service (optional) Access Service (optional) Management Service (optional) Management Service (optional) Direct Brokered Catalog Service Includes init, close functions Services

13 February 1999 Page 13 George Percivall EO/GEO Workshop 99 Conclusion Combined Submission Feasible Cross DCP approach using common General Model Messages and Object approaches Issues of Interoperability Compatibility with OGC Simple Features Query Language for cross DCP Discovery Metadata Model Independence Use of XML Major follow-on activities Communication of lessons learned to OGC Develop implementations for demonstrations Develop commercialization plan Prepare joint response documents to RFP

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