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Presentation on theme: " Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Task Force TF Leader & Deputies:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 European Integrated Tokamak Modelling Task Force TF Leader & Deputies: A. Bécoulet, P. Strand and M. Romanelli EFDA CSU Contact Person: K. Thomsen Presented by Alain Bécoulet

2 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 EFDA(03)-21/4.9.2 (June 24th, 2003) Executive summary: The aim of the task force is to co-ordinate the development of a coherent set of validated simulation tools for the purpose of benchmarking on existing tokamak experiments, with the ultimate aim of providing a comprehensive simulation package for ITER plasmas. The remit of the Task Force would extend to the development of the necessary standardized software tools for interfacing code modules and for accessing experimental data. In the medium term, this task force’s work would support the development of ITER-relevant scenarios in current experiments, while in the long term it would aim to provide a validated set of European modelling tools for ITER exploitation Scope EFDA recently approved a three year extension to the TF

3 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 General structure of TF’s activities projects for the 2005-6 work programme The initial ITM Project structure covers: -The Integrated Modelling Projects (IMPs), addressing modelling issues of fusion plasma physics which require a sufficiently high degree of integration. -The Code Platform Project (CPP), responsible for developing, maintaining and operating the code platform structure. Support to IMPs is included. -The Data Coordination Project (DCP), supporting IMPs and CPP for Verification and Validation aspects and standardisation of data interfaces and access.

4 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 the 2005-2006 work programme schedule IMP#1 CPP DCP IMP#2 IMP#3 IMP#4 IMP#5 prototype platform platform release V&V proc. code catalogue data management univ. access layer V&V support code identif.standardisationV&V, documentation extend linear MHD codes edge MHD, core MHD, disruptions edge transport, core transport, integrated discharge evolutions Linear  stab, turbulence, neocl. transport H&CD, fast particle instab. and losses 20052006200X

5 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Data Coordination Project (DCP) Objectives: –Provide tools for data access and exploration, –Develop and manage databases needed for physics exploration and validation activities. –Assessment and collection of experimental data for V&V –Definition of V&V and performance metrics Project Structure – 5 topical areas: –Data and database management –Universal data access layer (transparent access to data) –Validation and verification activities (with IMP’s) –Taskforce Software Strategies –Monitoring and evaluating emerging technologies: Grids Interim leader: P. Strand Deputy: F. Iannone

6 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Data models and database management Short term storage system solution in place: (F. Iannone) –~ 1Tb of storage available through MDS+ server hosted by ENEA a further 1Tb may be made available through other collaborations beginning 2006. –Physics project storage needs are estimated for 4Tb end of 2006; more than 15 Tb longer term Data structures: (J. Lister -> F. Imbeaux – phase 4 proposal) –Abstract description (XML schemas) of the data model for the Equilibrium reconstruction project (IMP#1) – prototyping the TF wide data model. –Automatic generation of data descriptions in client languages (fortran, matlab,...) –Provides unambiguous, standard description of data structures but hides complexity from end user - Database exploration tools - user access: (Y. Buravand) Start up work defining needs for –Logbook browser – finding and characterizing TF database entries –Relational search capabilities and graphical/plotting engines

7 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Data Access methods Interim data access system: (W. Suttrop) –Simple C library with fortran bindings. s/libitdb –Further prototyping (IMP#1 efforts): Improved memory handling (G. Huysmans) Tighter connectivity w datastructures (L. Appel) Universal Access layer: (P. Strand, D. Muir) –“Device independent” access to data –Extensible through plug-in technology MDS+, HDF5, … Single interface to many data sources –Detailed specification being written –Needs further resources for implementation ITM DBs ITPA DBs USER FILES Switch/Mapper HDF5 MDS+ ??? UAL API

8 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Procedures, protocols and strategies Confidence in modelling results at the end user level can only be achieved through openness, accessibility, reproducibility and traceability throughout the V&V process. DCP coordinates –Experimental data access and validation –Definition of performance metrics –Development of the V&V procedures (EFDA-TF-ITM(04)-8) with the Integrated modelling projects DCP is starting to evaluate software usage and needs within the fusion community to Formulate “Taskforce Software Strategies” defining the –Use of commercial packages (Matlab, IDL,…) –Replacement strategies for commercial numerical libraries (NAG, IMSL,..) –Recommendations on code restructuring for increased portability, performance and compatibility. Several associations are entering into GRID technology related activities: A study to evaluate the opportunities for TF has been initiated and a strategy for TF participation is being formulated

9 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Integrated Modelling Project 1 Objective: –To provide an integrated suite of self-consistent codes (modules) for equilibrium reconstruction and linear MHD stability analysis Topic 1A : Experimental Equilibrium reconstruction –CEDRES, CLISTE, EFIT, EQUINOX Topic 1B : Equilibrium codes and linear MHD stability –Equilibrium: CAXE, CHEASE, DIVA, HELENA, VMEC, DINA –Mapping: COTRANS, JMC –MHD Stability : CAS3D, CASTOR, KINX, MISHKA, TERPSICHORE Also: –Equilibrium toolbox : FLUSH Leader: G. Huysmans Deputy: L. Appel

10 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 IMP#1: equilibrium and MHD Stability Standardise contributed codes to become independent of machine /diagnostic data. –Use only external geometry data (from database) –Definition of interfaces between codes and machine and diagnostics Validation and Verification –compare equilibrium and MHD stability codes on benchmark case –Apply codes to a relevant experimental problem/data MHD Stability limits in plasmas with an internal transport barrier. diagnostic(1) description machine description diagnostic(2) description magneticsMSE equilibrium description equilibrium reconstruction high resolution equilibrium code spec. parameters equilibrium description MHD stability code spec. parameters MHD output description

11 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Machine independent EFIT_ITM EFIT has been adapted to use the ITM structures and to use external geometry information –A unique version of EFIT can now be used for ITER, Tore Supra, JET, etc –Using only TF tools for Data storage, access and data structures Validation effort underway

12 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Code Platform Project Leader: B. Guillerminet Deputy: M. Stanojevic End User Tools to define the simulation Tools to run & monitor the simulation Tools for post-processing Developer Integrate the codes Component based Debug & test Administrator Deploy the simulator Monitor it Manage the archive Additional constraints Requirements: version (December 2005)

13 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 CPP: Existing frameworks Namecommentsproscons Cactus http://www.cactuscode.or g/ Complete framework Investigating CCA No component model, no PIC Pyre http://www.cacr.caltech.e du/projects/pyre Simple framework Investigating CCA, WS-RF No component model Salome http://www.salome- Complete framework Corba KeplerCCA MpCCICode couplingMeshingNo component model, not open source Xcat3Java & C++ frameworks Both CCA & WS-RF models TF applications range from loosely coupled to very tightly coupled - No single tool likely to be sufficient. Need to explore different approaches for different applications

14 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Objective: Non linear MHD phenomena Initial work on RWMs, sawteeth and ELMs has started. RWMs meeting held at JET, Nov 24-25. List of open issues has been compiled. Initial work on the assessment of plasma kinetic damping and of nonlinear coupling between mode amplitude and plasma rotation. Initial work on integrating a model for the prediction of the sawtooth period and amplitude in the JETTO transport code, together with fast particle behavior from the PION code, and prescriptions for fast particle losses and redistributions during sawtooth crashes, fishbones and TAE (tornado) modes. Initial work on the prediction of the sawtooth crash time, comparison with recent JET data. Sawteeth meeting held @ JET Feb 16-17 Definition of a nonlinear numerical challenge on the evolution of reconnection driven by an ideally unstable internal kink mode. Integrated Modelling Project 2 Leader: F. Porcelli Deputy: S. Sharapov

15 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Implementation of a theory-based trigger model for ELMs in the JETTO code. RWMs assessment of plasma kinetic damping, using the CASTOR-K code, and of nonlinear coupling between mode amplitude and plasma rotation to be completed. Development of the CASTOR-FLOW code to include kinetic damping. Benchmark between CASTOR-FLOW and MARS-F codes. Sawtooth behavior integration of JETTO code, with a sawtooth trigger condition, PION code for the evolution of fast particle populations, and prescriptions for fast particle losses and redistributions during sawtooth crashes, fishbones and TAE (tornado) modes. Benchmark of JETTO sawtooh model with PRETOR code, validation against experimental results. Sawtooth reconnection scaling of the sawtooth crash time, comparison with recent JET data. Modelling of the nonlinear evolution of internal kink mode, using reduced resistive MHD codes. IMP#2: Tentative workplan: 12/05 to 10/06

16 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Integrated Modelling Project 3 Leader: D. Coster Deputy: V. Basiuk, D. Kalupin, V. Parail, G. Pereverzev Topic 3A: MHD equilibrium and stability modules (G. Pereverzev) Topic 3B: Non-linear modules (sawteeth, ELMs, NTMs) (V.Parail) Topic 3C: Transport models (D.Kalupin) Topic 3D: Sources and sinks (V.Basiuk) Topic 3E: Interfaces to boundaries (D. Coster) Objective: –To provide the computational basis for a modular transport code, taking account of the core, the pedestal and the scrape-off layer. Ultimately, to enable the simulation of complete tokamak scenarios, e.g. for ITER.

17 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Edge Code Benchmarking ITPA activity: –code-code comparison Phase I: pure D, no drifts Phase II: pure D, drifts Phase III: D+C, no drifts Phase IV: D+C, drifts –SOLPS-EDGE2D/NIMBUS  Phase I completed successfully (reported on at PSI 2004) Phases II and III in progress –SOLPS-UEDGE Phase I underway Phase II expected to start soon Additional code-experiment –JET: SOLPS-EDGE2D/NIMBUS –AUG/D3D: SOLPS-UEDGE EDGE2D D+C EDGE2D D SOLPS EDGE2D

18 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Using MDS+ to connect SOLPS to ASCOT ITPA standard pedestal MDS+ tree created based on AUG shot 17151 (provides the equilibrium data) 2D background (n e, T e, T i, …) written as MDS+ tree by SOLPS (IPP-Garching)  provides input to ASCOT. Due to open field lines, special care must be taken with the Monte Carlo collisions Planned: output of ASCOT to be saved to a MDS+ tree ASCOT: (Accelerated Simulation of Charged Particle Orbits in a Tokamak) T. Kurki-Suonio, L. Aho-Mantila, J. Heikkinen, V. Hynönen, T. Kiviniemi, A. Salmi, S. Sipilä, V. Tulkki Distribution of electrons reaching outer target

19 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Common interface to transport models CALL ANOMALOUS(MODEL, PROFILES, GEOMETRY,TRANSPORT,[DIAG],ifail) Derived types: Standardized Inputs: PROFILES, GEOMETRY defined in generic modules (type definitions and allocations,…) Standardized Output: TRANSPORT defined in same generic modules (fluxes + eff.diff for elec. + 2 ion species) Model dependent data: WEILAND; GLF23, RITM in specific model dependent module (MMM95 and EDWM under testing) [DIAGNOSTIC]: Optional diagnostic output supplied in model dependent formats. Simple and extensible interface: New models need to supply 1.Default settings for options 2.A mapping to actual model call (by template) 3.Derived types for model specific inputs/outputs (may be empty!)

20 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Integrated Modelling Project 4 Leader: B. Scott Deputy: M. Ottaviani Objective: To develop a suite of unified, validated codes to provide quantitative predictions for the linear properties of a range of instabilities, including: ion-temperature- gradient (ITG) modes, trapped electron modes (TEM), trapped ion modes (TIM), electron-temperature-gradient (ETG) modes, micro-tearing modes, etc. Three Formalised tasks: Catalogue Codes, standardise documentation Code verification and benchmarking Development and exchange of elements of theoretical basis for model Benchmarking campaign has started (will run for 2 years) Cyclone like base case and (unique to Europe) edge also comparing neoclassical and turbulence code equilibria Intend to have most of the work decentralised

21 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 IMP#4: Code Verification & Benchmarking Core and edge standard cases: L-mode edge near 100 eV and 2 x 10 13 cm -3 Standard Cyclone base case for core (local and global modes) First results to be reported at the EPS meeting in Rome 2006

22 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Integrated Modelling Project 5 Leader: T. Hellsten Deputy: Y. Peysson, F. Zonca - Objective: develop the computational basis for a modular package of codes simulating heating, current drive and fast particle effects - Area covered: ECRH, ICRH, NBI, LH, alpha particle and fast particle interaction with instabilities - Goal: self-consistent calculations validated against experiments - Priority: realistic modelling applicable to ITER standard and advanced scenarios

23 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 - Electron and ion physics (IC, LH, EC) - Kinetic calculations (2D, 3D, complex geometry) - Different types of wave solver (ray-tracing, full-wave,…) - Different numerical methods: Monte-Carlo, finite elements, finite difference, semi-analytical, … - Different languages: Fortran, C, MatLab - Different models for each problem (comparison, validity) Challenge: merge existing tools in an evolutive platform Integrated Modelling Project 5

24 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Progress on hardware issues European 7th FP(2007 onward): the Petaflop’s world - massive parallel computing in Europe for Research purposes - UK; Germany; Spain; France willing to participate - scientific cases made in Barcelona in Dec 05 - organisational issues in Cadarache in Feb 06, and Brussels in March 06. Fusion: EU vs Broader Approach - need for dedicated HPC in the very near future (~100Tflops permanently) - Infrastructure support for theory and modelling being discussed - IFERC proposal under study (broader approach) - GRID computing solutions? ITM-TF: the gateway - need for unique entry point (platform tools, database repository, computer access, data storage capability..) - mutualisation of support

25 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Integrated Modelling-TF Coordinated Theory-TF Support Gateway EU-Fusion-HPC … Code RepositoryData Servers IFERC EU-SuperComputers Associations’ Computers & Clusters Associations EFDA GRID Technology CSUSc. Board

26 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 International collaborative activity

27 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 INTEGRATED TOKAMAK MODELLING More than ever a key element of the FAST TRACK strategy for Fusion

28 Workshop on ITER Simulation, Beijing, May 15-19, 2006 Public Homepages Welcome Agenda Contacts Links General Documentation Private Homepages (Password protected) Detailed Documentation Code Server (FTP,CVS,…) Discussion Forum (Password protected for write access) Webmanager: M. Romanelli (ENEA) Webmaster: B. Knaepen (ULB)

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