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1 BPM A powerful development platform for creating, managing, monitoring, and reporting on any construction business process.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BPM A powerful development platform for creating, managing, monitoring, and reporting on any construction business process."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BPM A powerful development platform for creating, managing, monitoring, and reporting on any construction business process

2 This year, the AICPA’s Top Technology Initiatives identified Business Process Improvement (BPI), Workflow and Exception Alerts as #5 on the list of the 10 most important technologies affecting the accounting profession in the next 12-18 months.” What if YOU could develop any process you wanted or needed ?

3 3 Your Future is in Drag and Drop! You Can! How To Make Your Company Excel Through Automating Your Critical Processes? 1. Business processes that need to be optimized into an integrated workflow 2. Multiple databases that don’t talk to each other 3. Desire to link your back office to mobile devices 4. The need to cut costs and find efficiency

4 4 Drag your company into the digital age… and… Drop Any Process you Need into Reality ! Your Future is in Drag and Drop!


6 6 If you can sketch a process or a desired integration on a piece of paper… you can Drag and Drop it into reality. With the BPM tool, that’s all you need to know about optimizing your construction processes! Your Future is in Drag and Drop!

7 7 Technical Features Browser Based Application Features Mobile or Office Deployment Rules and Workflow Features Decision Engine Features Logic Engine Features Integration Features

8 8 Your Future is in Drag and Drop! Client ROI Morrison Homes, AB, Canada, achieves ROI on it’s software purchase in just one week! Logan Homes, NC, “Business Process Management” Optimizes Process Management…And Saves $750,000 in the First Weeks of Use Tim Schaeffer Communities, NJ, “For Our variance purchase order process, BPM has cut the process time for a VPO from one week to one day or less.” Can you see this tool being valuable to your business?

9 9 BuilderMT Contact Information Ward Griffith Sales Consultant 1-888-757-1991 Ext: 105

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