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Vision Part 2 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision Part 2 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision Part 2 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3

2 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Lesson Overview How does the human body process communication? In this lesson, you will learn:  What happens to light as it enters the eyes  What problems can arise with color vision

3 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Guiding Questions  What makes a certain wavelength bounce off an object?  What makes grass green?  What makes blood red?

4 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Pigment  Pigment is the material that changes the light through selective absorption to give an object its color.  Photopigments in the eye help the cones to process the light.

5 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Focus  Light traveling through the eye is  Bent  Refracted  Focused  Define Refraction

6 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Refraction  Water glass demo

7 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Focused?  Fluid in the eye is like the water in the glass  Bending, refracting, and focusing flip the image upside down  Optic nerve creates electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain

8 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Optional Activity  Activity with concave and convex lenses Magnifying glass activity Simulated Optics Experiment

9 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Vision Problems  Short-sightedness (myopia)  Long-sightedness (hypermetropia)  Astigmatism  Presbyopia  Color sensitivity

10 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Color Deficiency  Also known as color-blindness  Unable to detect a certain color or a set of colors  Inherited  Caused by a gene with the wrong code  Light is shifted causing another color to be seen  More common in males

11 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Classifications of Color-blindness  Trichromacy  Dichromacy  Protanopia  Deutanopia  Tritanopia  Monochromacy

12 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 What is it like to be color-blind?  Take a color-blindness test:    What color deficient people see:  see.htm see.htm  Web design and color deficiency: 

13 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Assignment  Use this Web site to choose colors that you think would be best suited for the background of a Web site and a text color.  Write a short justification of your choices.  Web design and color deficiency: 

14 Module 3: Designing for Communication LESSON Ext 3 Lesson Review  How does the human body process communication?  What happens to light as it enters the eyes?  What problems can arise with color vision?

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