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Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. Index 1.Colombian Science and Technology Policy 2.National Capacities in STI and Priority areas 3.Human Capacity.

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Presentation on theme: "Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. Index 1.Colombian Science and Technology Policy 2.National Capacities in STI and Priority areas 3.Human Capacity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science, Technology and Innovation Policy

2 Index 1.Colombian Science and Technology Policy 2.National Capacities in STI and Priority areas 3.Human Capacity Building 4.International strategy to promote S&T

3 Highlights Objectives of the STI national policy Strength the national policy towards competitiveness Reduce social inequality Improve national research conditions to boost global knowledge

4 National System of Science & Technology 2663 groups classified in 2008. 88% belonging to higher education sector 131 Research Centres  76 higher education sector research centres 41 Centres of Technology Development 6 Regional productivity centres 4871PhD´s (2008) 2. National Capacities in STI

5 Research Universities Atlántico:Atlántico: Universidad del Norte. Antioquia:Antioquia: Universidad Nacional, Universidad de Antioquia, Eafit, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Valle:Valle: Universidad del Valle, Universidad Nacional, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá:Bogotá: Universidad Nacional, Universidad de los Andes, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de la Sabana. Santander:Santander: Universidad Industrial de Santander. Cauca:Cauca: Universidad del Cauca. Risaralda:Risaralda: Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Boyacá:Boyacá: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Caldas:Caldas: Universidad Nacional. Amazonas:Amazonas: Universidad Nacional.

6 Research Centers Bolívar: Bolívar: Ceniacua, COTECMAR Antioquia: Antioquia: CIB, ICIPC, CIDET,– CECIF, CRECE  Caldas:  Caldas: Cenicafé  Risaralda:  Risaralda: Cenpapel  Valle:  Valle: CIDEIM, Cenicaña, CIV, ICTM, CIPAV  Amazonas:  Amazonas: SINCHI  Magdalena:  Magdalena: Invemar  Santander:  Santander: CIC, ICP  Bogotá:  Bogotá: Cenipalma, Corpogen, Ceniflores, Ceinnova, CIF, CINEP, Fedesarrollo, Corpoica, Recursos Biológicos, Alexander von Humboldt INS, INC, IGAC, INGEOMINAS, IDEAM.

7 Excellence Centers Name of the CenterArea of Research CCITBTuberculosis CENIVAMTropical medicine CIEBREGBiodiversity and genetic resources CENMNanotechnology and New Materials CEIBAComplex Systems ODECOFISocial studies GeBixGenomic and bioinformatics

8 Citation Databases:  Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)--2001-present  Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)--2001-present  Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)--2001-present International Publications

9 Colombia Uniqueness and Potential Megadiverse country (Caribbean, Orinoco, Amazon Forest, Andes, Pacific) Built Research Capacity in Bio-sciences in a megadiverse set of germplasm resources – Large numbers of unique information on biodiversity – Solid institutional settings to develop and analyze that information Strong links with other research centers in the region (Panama, Brazil, Mexico)

10 Some of the Main Research Centers and its Field of Research Name of the CenterField of Research CENICAFÉAgronomy CENICAÑAAgronomy and Biofuels CENIPALMAAgronomy and Biofuels CENIACUAAgronomy CORPOICAAgronomy CIDEIMMedicine CECIFMedicine ICTMMedicine Instituto Nacional de Cancerología Medicine

11 Research Groups by field Biotechnology119 Technologies and Medical Sciences721 Sea Science and Technology55 Technologies and Agricultural Sciences284 Basic Sciences593 Environmental Science and Habitat418 Social Sciences and Humanities1785 Technology, Industry and Quality Development342 Electronics and ICT´s372 Scientific Studies in Education362 Energy and Mining research113 No apply 135 Total5299 (Biodiversity ) Social Research Water Resources Materials

12 Priority Areas Biodiversity Water resources Agroecosystems Biofuels Forest Resources Health Material Sciences Electronics and ICT Social Research 1 World class research areas

13 Flora Fauna Microorganisms Ecosystems Caribbean Coast Andean Region Amazon Region Orinoco Region Pacific Region Research, Development, and Innovation Sciences of Life Engineering Social Science Physical Sciences Enterprise Sector Cultural and ethnic diversity Agroecosystems Food Security Bio-fuels Coffee RESOURCESCAPACITIES WORLD CLASS SECTORS + Health Pharmaceutics Cosmeceutics Nutraceutics Bionics Materials Fibers Inks Oils Green Markets Alternative Tourism Ecological Goods/Services Biotechnology Environment Atmospheric Chemistry Water Purification Bioremediations Recycling Biodiversidad para una Transformación Productiva

14 3. Human Capacity Building

15 Caldas Scholarships- Description Objectives To strengthen the research capabilities of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation. To increase the stock of researchers with a doctoral degree To focus research agendas. Target Population Institutions of the National Science, Technology and Innovation System (universities, research centers, private sector enterprises and goverment agencies with research groups recognized by Colciencias, in process of consolidation and interested in creating new groups. Professionals with academic excellency and institutional endorsement.

16 Young Researchers - Description Virginia Gutiérrez de Pineda Objetives To strengthen the research capabilities of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation. To promote “learning by doing” in young professionals, just out of university who have shown interest in scientific research. Target Population Young professionals with excellent academic record.

17 Goals of the Program To escalate : From 500 beneficiaries every five years to 500 beneficiaries yearly. 3.000 new Ph.D. graduates by 2019. To focus on 5 Strategic Areas 1.Identification and sustainable use of biodiversity 2.Use and protection of water resources. 3.Development of materials and electronics 4.Development of health sciences 5.Colombian Social Studies

18 2.1 Human Resources International NationalColciencias-Colfuturo

19 Countries of Destination 2009 Country Caldas Scholarships Abroad Colciencias Fulbright Alecol United States4541 Spain41 Great Britain27 Germany3 9 France11 Argentina8 Mexico7 Canada6 Brazil6 Netherlands6 Australia4 Chile2 Sweden2 Switzerland2 Norway1 Italy1 Portugal1 No Data1 Total 174419

20 4. International Dimension of STI policy Objetive: To consolidate the international projection of colombian STI in order to facilitate the Access of groups and research centers of the country to intellectual and financiers resources in order to favor the insertion of colombian STI in international networks Attachment Lines... TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BILATERAL AND MULTILATERAL SOURCES OF COOPERATION SUPPORT OF INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY OF RESEARCHERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF RESEARCHERS ABROAD IN ORDER TO ARTICULATE NATIONAL CAPACITIES WITH THEM TECHNICAL COOPERATION WITH COUNTRIES OF THE REGION

21 Building trust, know methodologies of international cooperation, establish an agenda for joint projects and mobilize intellectual and financial resources Bilateral: United States, Russian Federation, Germany, Brazil, Korea, Chile, China, Spain, France, Japan, India and multilateral. Construction of portfolios of ICT for a communities of Colombian and foreign researchers. Creating conditions for development of collaborative research International Group Strategy Geostrategic Intelligence ¿What? ¿Whom?¿How?

22 International Achievements European Union and Member states:.Joint Declaration for general cooperation framework and establish a mechanism for regular bilateral consultation in STI Strong relations and visibility 5º Focal Point of 7 framework Program (FP7) in the Latin American region. Germany: Institutional Relations (funding institutions, training Institutions. DFG, DAAD. 53 projects of joint research, 53 PhD students 2005-08, 50 young engineers trained in Germany2007-08. Spain: Institutional Agreement CSIC. 32 joint projects 2002-08 France: 90 joint projects of research funded ECOS NORD 2002-08 United Kingdom agreement Colciencias-British Academy Switzerland: Colombia priority country for cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation. China Bilateral Agreement in STI Joint Research (rice) Doctoral Training Brazil CNPQ Agreement. Support of 37 joint projects 2002-08 Chile CONICYT Agreement. 19 joint projects 2005-07 Argentina MinCyT Agreement. Member of CABBIO, Biotechnology Center (training programs Member) United States STI AGREEMENT Focal Point CIAM (Intermaerican network of materials Cooperation with National Science Foundation. Mesoamerican Project El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua. Exchange of expiriences development and implementation of innovation tools India STI Agreement Joint Research ICT, Bambu México Agreement Conacyt Colciencias 30 joint Research Projects 2005-07

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