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Section 1 (Day 2) Virginia Driver Responsibilities: Licensing Responsibilities.

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2 Section 1 (Day 2) Virginia Driver Responsibilities: Licensing Responsibilities

3 Bell Ringer 2 Write a half a page red to red on the below statement. Save these to be turn in on test day. Worth 10%. Imagine that you could buy some land to use as you wish. How and where would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.

4 Reminder 1.Bring paper/pen/pencil and notebook 2.Electronics are for instructional use with permission 3.Don’t forget to do daily quizzes on QUIA.COM 4.No Excuses why you don’t take Quizzes 1-6 before test day!! (Quizzes are worth 30% of grade) 5.Attendance is MANDATORY!! (NO SLEEPING in class) 6.All notes can be found on Harrisonburg’s staff website: 7.If you are NOT taking notes in class, please be quiet and ask to use the restroom at the end of class.

5 This is what you are trying to get at the end of class.. Harrisonburg High School H.C.P.S 36 x 03/06/2012 Your Name Here “Green Card”

6 Day 2 Objectives The students will learn the different characteristics of signs posted on roadways in Virginia.The students will learn the different characteristics of signs posted on roadways in Virginia. The students will learn the different characteristics of signal lights on roadways in Virginia.The students will learn the different characteristics of signal lights on roadways in Virginia. The students will learn the different characteristics of roadway markings on roadways in Virginia.The students will learn the different characteristics of roadway markings on roadways in Virginia. Related SOL: DE.5

7 Signals, Signs, and Markers

8 Signals Traffic signals help provide for the orderly movement of traffic

9 Steady Traffic Signals Steady Red Light (and arrow) – STOP! A complete stop. Remain stopped as long as the light is red unless turns are allowed on red. Steady Yellow Light (and arrow) - Caution! The light is about to change. Steady Green Light (and arrow)- GO! Protected turning lane. Move in the direction of the signal.

10 Flashing Traffic Signals Flashing Red Light – Come to a complete stop. Remain stopped until the way is clear. Flashing Yellow Light - Slow down and proceed with caution

11 Right Turn on Red Light Come to a complete stop. Check traffic and pedestrians. Make a right turn into the closest lane. Signs may be placed prohibiting turns on steady red.

12 Left Turn on Red Light Only from a one-way street to another one- way street. Come to a complete stop. Check traffic and pedestrians. Make a left turn into the closest lane. Signs may be placed prohibiting left turns.

13 Lane Use Control Signals A Downward Green Arrow - means that a driver is permitted to drive in the lane A Steady Yellow Arrow - means that a driver should prepare to vacate that lane A Steady Red X - means that a driver shall not drive in the lane

14 Signs

15 The shape and color of a traffic sign communicates important information about the sign’s message.

16 Colors Have Meaning Red= Stop or prohibited Blue=Motorist services guidance Black=Regulation(on white background) Orange=Construction or maintenance Fluorescent Optic Yellow Fluorescent Optic Yellow —school zones

17 Green= Direction or guidance Yellow= General warning White= Regulation-Regulatory signs signs Brown=Public recreation and scenic guidance Colors Have Meaning

18 Octagon Rectangle Triangle Diamond Pentagon Pennant Rectangle Circle Shapes Have Meaning Crossbuck

19 Octagon:RED The octagon (8 sided) shape always means STOP. You must come to a complete stop at the sign, stop line, or curb.

20 Triangle : Yield Slow down to a speed reasonable for the conditions and yield to right of way. Stop if necessary!!

21 Rectangle: Regulatory or Guide Vertical signs generally have instructions or tell you the law. (Regulatory signs) Horizontal signs may give directions or information.

22 Diamond:Warning These signs warn you of special conditions or hazards ahead. Drive with caution and be ready to slow down.

23 Pentagon: School Zone or School Crossing The pentagon(5 sided) marks school zones and warns you about upcoming school crossing. Signs may be displayed in Florescent optic yellow.

24 Round : Railroad These indicate that you are approaching a railroad crossing Slow down, look and listen for trains.

25 Pennant:No Passing These signs warn you in advance of no passing zones ahead.

26 Traffic Signs You DO NOT have to write the following 30 slides of traffic signs as they are in your drivers ed manual. Please study ALL signs in the manual as they may appear on your quizzes and tests.

27 1- low clearance. Do not proceed if your vehicle is taller than the height indicated.

28 2 -sharp right turn in the road ahead.

29 3- the road ahead curves right, then left.

30 4- keep to the side indicated by the arrow. Keep Right

31 5- the road ahead curves right. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.

32 6- you are about to enter a one way street the wrong way

33 7- bicycles cross or ride beside traffic.

34 8- unusual and/or dangerous conditions ahead.

35 9- steep grade ahead

36 10- you must bear either right or left ahead

37 11- traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow

38 12- no U-turn.

39 13- slow down, stop, if necessary, and yield right-of-way.

40 14- the speed limit indicated is the maximum legal speed on the road where posted.

41 15- when pavement is wet, reduce your speed.

42 16- a four-way intersection is ahead.

43 17- wait for the signal to turn green before you turn

44 18- deer crossing.

45 19- lanes are reserved for vehicles with specific number of occupants in vehicle.

46 20- you must come to a complete stop.

47 21- no left turn.

48 22- traffic turning left on the green light must yield to oncoming traffic.

49 23- the maximum safe speed for an expressway exit.

50 24- parking space reserved for people with disabled parking privileges.

51 25- a road joins from the right

52 26- pedestrian crossing.

53 27- the road ahead turns sharply right then sharply left.

54 28- lane reduction -- the right lane ends soon

55 29- merge.

56 30- no right turn

57 Pavement Warnings

58 Solid YellowSolid Yellow center lines indicate two-way traffic with no passing allowed. ALWAYS KEEP TO THE RIGHT of the line. Yellow Lines

59 Passing on the left is permitted in either direction. Pass only when the way ahead is clear because you will be entering a lane with oncoming traffic. Yellow Lines Yellow Broken Yellow Center Line

60 Yellow Yellow Broken Yellow Line alongside a Solid Yellow Line Passing is permitted on the side with the broken line. Passing is NOT permitted on the side with the solid line. Yellow Lines

61 Yellow Double Solid Yellow Lines Passing is NOT permitted in either direction. Crossing the lines is permitted when making a left turn. Yellow Lines

62 Yellow Lines also MARK the left edge on divided highways. MARK the left edge on one- way roads. Yellow Lines

63 White Lines White lines separate lanes of traffic going in the same direction. Broken White Lines Drivers may cross with caution.

64 Designate turn lanes and prevent lane changes near intersections. - A curved arrow and the word ONLY indicate you must turn in the direction of the arrow; and - both a curved and straight arrow indicate you may either turn or go straight. White Arrows

65 Shared Left Turn Lane  Traffic from both directions uses this lane to turn left  Do not travel more than 150 feet in this lane  Traffic from both directions uses this lane to turn left  Do not travel more than 150 feet in this lane

66 Crosswalks & Stop Lines Are painted across a road to indicate pedestrian crossing areas At intersection where stop lines are missing, you must stop before the crosswalk

67 High Occupancy Vehicle Lane During heavy traffic periods, HOV lanes are reserved for busses, vanpools, carpools, and other high occupancy vehicles.

68 Evasion of Traffic Control Devices It shall be unlawful for the driver of any motor vehicle to drive off the roadway and onto or across any public or private property in order to evade any stop sign, yield sign, traffic light, or other traffic control device.

69 Class Work Using your driver’s education book, read page 78-82. Then, answer questions 1-4 on page 82 in your notebook. Save these to be turned in with your test. Section 1 (Day 2)

70 The End!!

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