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By Squadron Leader Zahid Mir CS&IT Department, Superior University PHY-BE -09 Rectifier Filters.

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Presentation on theme: "By Squadron Leader Zahid Mir CS&IT Department, Superior University PHY-BE -09 Rectifier Filters."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Squadron Leader Zahid Mir CS&IT Department, Superior University PHY-BE -09 Rectifier Filters

2 Rectifier Filter Circuits The purpose of the power supply is to reduce the fluctuations in the output voltage of a half-wave or full-wave rectifier and produce a nearly constant-level dc voltage. Filtering is done using capacitors, inductors or combination of both.

3 Capacitor Filter Fig a Fig b During the positive first quarter- cycle of the input, the diode is forward-biased, allowing the capacitor to charge to within a diode drop of the input peak (Fig a). When the input begins to decrease below its peak, the capacitor retains its charge and the diode becomes reverse-biased. During the remaining part of the cycle, the capacitor discharge only through the load resistance at a rate determined by the R L C time constant. (Fig b) Larger the time constant, the less the capacitor will discharge.

4 Capacitor Filter During the first quarter of the next cycle, the diode will again become forward-biased when the input voltage exceeds the capacitor voltage by approximately a diode drop (Fig c). Fig c

5 Results Large ripples means less effective filtering. Smaller ripple means more effective filtering. For a given input frequency, the output frequency of a half-wave rectifier is twice that of a half- wave rectifier. When filtered, the full-wave rectified voltage has less ripple than does a half-wave rectified voltage. – This is because the capacitor discharges less during the shorter interval between full- wave pulses.

6 Ripple Voltage The variation in the output voltage due to charging and discharging of the capacitor is called ripple voltage.

7 Ripple Factor Ripple factor is the indication of the effectiveness of the filter and is defined as; r = V r / V dc V r = rms ripple voltage. V dc = dc (average) value of the filter’s output voltage. The lower the ripple factor, the better the filter. Ripple factor can be lowered by increasing the value of the filter capacitor.

8 References “Electronic Devices” by Thomas L. Floyd(7 th Edition)

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