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MODULE 12 Processed vs Real Food, Controversial Ingredients, Importance of Home Cooking.

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1 MODULE 12 Processed vs Real Food, Controversial Ingredients, Importance of Home Cooking

2 KAYPITRE.COM | GETFOODPOWER.COM For personal use only. Do not reproduce in any way. Processed vs. Real Food

3 Reasons Processed Food Is Bad High in sugars and high fructose corn syrup Engineered to make us feel good Addictive Artificial ingredients Bad carbs Little to no fiber Poor nutrient content Trans fats

4 KAYPITRE.COM | GETFOODPOWER.COM For personal use only. Do not reproduce in any way. Controversial Ingredients

5 Controversial Ingredients Artificial sweeteners Refined sugar MSG Artificial colors BHA and BHT Sodium nitrate & nitrite Partially hydrogenated oils Pesticides GMOs

6 KAYPITRE.COM | GETFOODPOWER.COM For personal use only. Do not reproduce in any way. Importance of Home Cooking

7 Tips & Reasons for Cooking at Home Meal planning Prep your food ahead of time Get family involved More family time Sense of ownership and satisfaction Control over ingredients

8 KAYPITRE.COM | GETFOODPOWER.COM For personal use only. Do not reproduce in any way. ACTION STEPS  Review your goals from the beginning of this course.  Do a Google search for “complete list of artificial sweeteners”.  Commit to a set number of home cooked meals for the coming week.

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