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Ranchers and Farmers Pages 609-620 Closing of the Frontier Cattle Drives Homesteads Plight of the Farmer Grange Farmers’ Alliance.

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Presentation on theme: "Ranchers and Farmers Pages 609-620 Closing of the Frontier Cattle Drives Homesteads Plight of the Farmer Grange Farmers’ Alliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ranchers and Farmers Pages 609-620 Closing of the Frontier Cattle Drives Homesteads Plight of the Farmer Grange Farmers’ Alliance

2 TheCattleTrailsTheCattleTrails

3 Land Use: 1880s

4 New Agricultural Technology “Prairie Fan” Water Pump Steel Plow [“Sod Buster”]

5 Barbed Wire Joseph Glidden

6 African American “Exoduster” Homesteaders

7 African Americans Moving West

8 Homesteads From Public Lands

9 Frontier Settlements: 1870-1890

10 The Realty--A Pioneer’s Sod House, SD The Realty--A Pioneer’s Sod House, SD

11 Rain Follows the Plow!

12 Frederick Jackson Turner The Significance of the Frontier in American Society (1893)

13 Price Indexes for Consumer & Farm Products: 1865-1913

14 Founder of the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (1867)

15 The Grange Movement  First organized in the 1870s in the Midwest, the south, and Texas.  Set up cooperative associations.  Social and educational components.  Succeeded in lobbying for “Granger Laws.”  Rapidly declined by the late 1870s.

16 The Farmers Alliances  Begun in the late 1880s (Texas first  the Southern Alliance; then in the Midwest  the Northern Alliance).  Excluded African American farmers – Colored Farmers’ National Alliance  Built upon the ashes of the Grange.  More political and less social than the Grange.  Ran candidates for office.  Controlled 8 state legislatures & had 47 representatives in Congress during the 1890s.

17 United We Stand, Divided We Fall  In 1889 both the Northern and Southern Alliances merged into one—the Farmers’ Alliance.

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