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Growth of Cities Ch 20.2. Population 1870- ¼ Americans lived in cities with 2,500 or more people 1910- ½ of the American population were in cities New.

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Presentation on theme: "Growth of Cities Ch 20.2. Population 1870- ¼ Americans lived in cities with 2,500 or more people 1910- ½ of the American population were in cities New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth of Cities Ch 20.2

2 Population 1870- ¼ Americans lived in cities with 2,500 or more people 1910- ½ of the American population were in cities New York, Detroit, and Chicago (1890)- 80% of the population was made up of immigrants

3 Growth of the Cities 1. Immigrants 2. Women o No longer needed to make clothing and household goods o Moved to the cities in search of jobs 3. African Americans o Began to move to Northern cities for jobs o Less discrimination

4 Railroads Railroads helped people move and transported raw materials for industry Chicago and Kansas City o Large meatpacking centers Pittsburgh o Iron and Steel manufacturing New York and San Francisco o Trade with foreign countries

5 Tenements Tenements: A building in which several families rented a room, often with little safety or sanitation o Immigrants typically lived in tenements Often poor and run-down neighborhoods

6 Hester Street, 1902

7 Italian Neighborhood, New York City 1900-1910

8 Lower East End Ghetto- 1909

9 Shoppers on Sixth Avenue, New York City- 1903

10 The Middle Class Enjoyed a comfortable life Many lived in the suburbs Hot water, indoor toilets, and electricity (1900) Included doctors, lawyers, ministers, managers

11 The Gilded Age The very rich lived lives of extreme luxury However, many people lived in terrible poverty Gilded: Something covered in a thin layer of gold o The Gilded Age refers to the extravagant wealth of a few that covered up the terrible poverty

12 Cities in Crisis Garbage accumulated in city streets o Sanitation was a huge problem Diseases spread quickly o Chicago- Whooping cough, diphtheria, measles o New York City- Tuberculosis Poverty o Increase in crime

13 Skyscrapers Cities had limited space o Architects began building upwards 1884- 10-story office building built in Chicago o World’s first skyscraper 1913- 55-story Woolsworth Building in New York City

14 New Forms of Transporation 1873- San Francisco- Cable Cars 1888- Richmond, VA- Trolley Car 1897- Boston, MA- Subway 1904- New York City- Subway

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