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NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN 2014 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ANDHRA PRADESH (26 th & 27 th February, 2014) GROUP - II Adoption of improved technology.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN 2014 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ANDHRA PRADESH (26 th & 27 th February, 2014) GROUP - II Adoption of improved technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN 2014 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ANDHRA PRADESH (26 th & 27 th February, 2014) GROUP - II Adoption of improved technology for efficient use of water, nutrients and plant protection chemicals

2 S.NoItemUnit Andhra Pradesh 1 Total Geographical areaLakh ha275.04 2Gross cropped areaLakh ha145.12 3Net cropped areaLakh ha112.88 4Gross Irrigated areaLakh ha71.53 5Net Irrigated areaLakh ha50.34 6% of Rainfed area%55 7Number of Farm HoldingsLakh Nos131.75 a) MarginalLakh Nos84.25 b) SmallLakh Nos29.18 c) OthersLakh Nos18.32 8Average Annual Rainfallmm940 9Cropping Intensity%1.29 10Irrigation Intensity%1.42 ANDHRA PRADESH AGRICULTURE PROFILE 2

3 3

4 4 MONTH WISE NORMAL AND ACTUAL RAINFALL RECEIVED DURING 2013-14 Normal rainfall: 903.40 Actual rainfall: 984.60

5 Sl.No.Crop Normal Production 2013-14 (Expected) KharifRabiTotal 1Rice127.6282.1457.05139.18 2Pulses14.383.2312.1015.33 3Total Foodgrains186.82115.22101.48216.71 4Oil Seeds23.0211.116.2817.39 5Cotton (lakh bales)39.0564.750.1164.86 (Lakhs tones) Kharif 2013 & Rabi 2013-14 Achievements (Abstract) 5 NOTE: This year the food grain production as per 2 nd advance estimate of DES is 207.29 LMTs, which will be the ever highest in the state after 2008- 09 (204.21LMTs). But this year we may achieve a record food grain production of 216.71 LMTs.

6 6 Area in lakh ha, Productivity in kgs/ha & Production in LMTs RABI 2013-14 ASSESSMENT COMPARED TO RABI 2012-13 AND NORMAL Sl. No. Crop AREAPRODUCTIVITYPRODUCTION Normal2012-13 Expected 2013-14 Normal2012-13 Expected 2013-14 Normal2012-13 Expected 2013-14 1Rice14.3111.4115.2036573808375352.4643.4357.05 2Jowar1.721.841.541628208019072.793.822.94 3Bajra0.110.070.061153160814520.120.110.09 4Ragi0.05 0.041667145018470.090.07 5Maize3.364.074.3265166176675022.8125.1329.16 6Bengalgram6.166.816.121225111914467.407.628.85 7Greengram1.181.271.204526826500.600.870.78 8Blackgram3.723.872.745698297892.613.212.16 Total Pulses11.6712.5010.50940926115210.9712.10 Total Foodgrains31.3330.0431.7328522497319889.3684.77101.48 9Groundnut2.742.862.561983192518305.455.514.68 10Sunflower2.071.231.0061972310441.670.891.04 Total oilseeds5.534.804.131344147814667.436.696.28 11Cotton (*) 12Chillies0.460.440.403631408639361.661.801.57 13Tobacco1.461.261.361767172018222.762.172.48 14Onion0.150.140.122308629659248053.514.202.98 Total cropped area 39.2036.8437.85

7 7 KHARIF PROSPECTS 2014 COMPARED TO KHARIF 2013 ( * ) Cotton production in lakh bales of 170 kgs. of lint (#) Mesta production in lakh bales of 180 kgs. Area in lakh ha, Productivity in kgs/ha & Production in LMTs Sl. No. Crop AREAPRODUCTIVITYPRODUCTION Normal Expctd. 2013 Target 2014 Normal Expctd. 2013 2014Normal Expctd. 2013 Target 2014 1Rice26.3028.8229.1228622850294075.1682.1485.61 2Jowar1.251.04 129790315061.560.941.57 3Bajra0.450.510.491423149015950.650.760.78 4Ragi0.390.380.37101862211450.390.240.42 5Maize5.086.636.6631634186430316.0727.7528.66 6Redgram4.934.445.434264325422.091.922.94 4Greengram1.951.282.054526335800.850.811.19 8Blackgram0.710.470.805698267900.380.390.63 Total Pulses7.776.388.434395065763.413.234.86 Total Foodgrains41.5344.0446.4923472616262997.46115.22122.24 9Groundnut11.9411.0713.004875808655.346.4211.25 10Sunflower0.520.20 6197147110.290.14 11Soybean1.422.452.571465154218342.083.784.71 12Castor1.861.261.27456 6040.820.570.77 Total oilseeds16.6515.3217.3793671797615.5910.9916.95 13Cotton (*)18.1924.1424.2436845647238.9064.7567.30 14Mesta (#)0.250.09 1497150015882.090.750.79 15Chillies1.661.671.653589369938195.926.186.30 16Sugarcane1.891.92 784537882181202148.77151.34155.91 17Turmeric0.680.660.636381683966464.364.514.19 18Onion0.280.25 1700919667193084.694.924.83 Total cropped area81.1288.1692.66

8 8 SUPPLY OF GREEN MANURE SEED ON SUBSIDY DURING KHARIF 2014 Sl. No. CropKharif 2013 Kharif-2014 Quantity distributed (qtl) Subsidy value (Rs. in lakh) Quantity allotted (qtl) Subsidy value (Rs. in lakh) 1Dhaincha70693.001767.33750002355.00 2Sunhemp17459.00436.4820000625.00 3Pillipesara15543.00544.0120000820.00 Total103695.002747.81115000.003800.00 (Qty in qtl)

9 9 Item Samples Target No of samples analyzed No of samples sub-standard/ misbranded Seeds1445013891258 Fertilizers150009819278 Pesticides9000752770 Quality Control of Seeds / Fertilizers & Pesticide

10 YearConsumption in MTs (Active Ingredient) 2004-0511000 2005-0610000 2006-079900 2007-088422 2008-098374 2009-108146 2010-118869 2011-129289 2012-138152 2013-14(estimated) 7500 Note : Till August the consumption is 2803 during 2013. 10 Pesticide Consumption from 2004-05 to 2013-14 in Andhra Pradesh

11 11 Bio-Agents Produced in State Bio-Control Labs in Andhra Pradesh From the year 2008-2013 Sl. No Name of the Bio Agent2008-092009-102010-112011-122012-132013-14 1 PSEUDOMONAS FLOURESCENCE (in kgs)3868436471448189052484216133000 2 TRICHODERMA VIRIDE (in Kgs)94981659684865811686910600021200 3TRICHOGAMMA Sps.802874703652420491935760887500 4 NPV(HELICOVERPA) (in LEs)3743769 15476661915704 12937501874625650000 5NPV (SPODOPTERS) (in LEs)546500699000231250850000 Area under Bt Cotton is increased tremendously, hence the use of NPV (Spodoptera) is reduced

12  Active campaign by extension staff in all the districts for promoting SRI, SMSRI, Drum seeder cultivation and automatic transplantation of rice except in command areas and problematic soils  Intensive training to extension staff, farmers and Labour.  Establishment of Steering Committee at State Level  Active campaign by extension staff in all the districts for promoting SRI, SMSRI, Drum seeder cultivation and automatic transplantation of rice except in command areas and problematic soils  Intensive training to extension staff, farmers and Labour.  Establishment of Steering Committee at State Level Promotion of SRI : S. No Year (Area in ha) Area covered under SRI % increase 12006-072078 - 22007-085447262.1 32008-0910514193 42009-1049000466 52010-1191000185.7 62011-12121815133.9 72012 -13283000150.0 82013-14527000 12 SRI Cultivation in A.P.

13  ANGRAU, NABARD, DRR, ICRISAT and NGOs involved  Documentation of Success stories  4175 Drum Seeders supplied on 50% subsidy  3325 Conoweeders supplied on 50% subsidy.  ANGRAU, NABARD, DRR, ICRISAT and NGOs involved  Documentation of Success stories  4175 Drum Seeders supplied on 50% subsidy  3325 Conoweeders supplied on 50% subsidy. 13

14 14 Pre-seasonal deep ploughing Growing of resistant / tolerant varieties Seed Treatment Raising of trap crops / border crops Crop rotation / Intercropping Pest monitoring and surveillance Biological control Judicious use of Plant Protection chemicals Strategies in Integrated Pest Management

15 15 SUPPLY OF SPRINKLERS, WATER CARRYING PIPES AND PUMP SETS UNDER NFSM - PULSES Sl.No.Item Unit cost (Rs) Phsical (Nos) Financial (Rs. In lakhs) 1 Water carryng pippes 150003000450.00 2 Incentive for pumpset 100001218121.80 3 Incentive for mobile sprinkler Rain guns 1500050075.00 4 Disitribution of sprinker sets 75002400180.00

16 Adoption of improved technology for efficient use of nutrients Nutrient response ratio, which is the ratio of foodgrain productivity to nutrient consumption, has seen a steady decline. From 14.06 in 1990-91 to 8.59 in 2010-11, this reflects poor soil health management. Intensive agriculture practices in the past half a century, resulted in the mining of secondary and micro nutrients like sulphur, zinc and boron in the soil. 16 Conti…..,

17 The productivity levels can be improved significantly by providing major inputs like water & fertilizers Excessive fertilizer usage not only wastes the limited resources but also pollutes the environment Deficit application, however may limit the growth of the crop. Location specific soil health information and its management is critical in crop growth management Recent studies have revealed that application of small quantities of micronutrients can make a big difference in terms of increased crop yields (33-65%) and economic profits Further soil organic carbon levels have been decreasing year by year due to lack of addition of organic matter So the Department of Agriculture has taken up an innovative approach to adopt soil test based recommendations along with good management practices (soils, crop & water management) including improved varieties and sustainable use of natural resources through a mission mode project i.e., Mission Project to Boost Productivity in Rainfed areas of A. P. 17 Conti…..,

18 This project was started in the year 2013-14 in 734 mandals of 14 districts. 7120 representative soil samples were collected from the project area and analyzed The Soil Test based fertilizer recommendations (mandal specific for the crops selected) were given to the districts based on the analysis results District level training to extension staff and awareness trainings to the farmers were conducted Micronutrients have been supplied to the farmers of the targeted area on 50% subsidy based on the soil test based fertilizer recommendations Crop cutting experiments are under progress to document the benefits of improved management. Farmer days are also being organized to disseminate the results to large number of farmers 18 Conti…..,

19 Yantra Laxmi (Farm Mechanization Exhibitions) Established 462 Custom Hiring Stations Established 2748 Implement Hiring Stations (HIS) to provide employment to rural youth. Established 5892 Post Harvest Procurement Centers at Gram Panchayat level Direct sowing drum seeders - 993 (Fibre body) were introduced on large scale in the state to mitigate erratic rainfall during Kharif Season. In our State 3544 Rotovators and 381 power tillers are supplied during the year 2012&13 to improve the Soil conditions. New Initiatives in Farm Mechanization (RKVY) -190.19 Crores 19

20 The use of cage wheels and Half cage wheels for land preparation was discouraged in AP as these implements are spoiling the soil tilth and percolation losses water are increased due to deep tillage. To improve Soil conditions to provide better growth of the crop Rotovators in dry lands and upland crops and Power tillers in wetland Paddy are encouraged. Rotovators: In Andhra Pradesh State 3544 Rotovators and 381 power tillers are supplied so far during the years 2012&13 to improve the Soil conditions. Power tiller Tractor with rotovator Land Preparatory equipment 20

21 The Concept of Custom Hiring centers introduced in Andhra Pradesh to improve the crop yield and to reduce the cost of cultivation by reducing labour charges and to create employment to rural youth. In Andhra Pradesh State 71 Custom Hiring centers of Paddy (SMSRI), 21 centers in Maize were established. Custom Hiring centers are also established in Cotton, Ground nut and Sugar cane crops also. These package of machinery provides end to end solutions to the farmers i.e., from sowing to harvesting by completing the farm operations in time. These centers also helped to reduce the labour shortage in farm operations and also improved the productivity of the crops in Andhra Pradesh State. Custom Hiring centers 21


23 The Farm implements supplied under Custom Hiring center maize includes tractor drawn multi crop planter (9rows), combine harvester, 55 HP 4 WD tractor with 36 blade Rotovator, maize sheller and tractor drawn zero till seed drill. Combine Harvester Multi crop planter Rotovator Zero till seed drill Custom hiring centers for MAIZE 23

24 Area Expansion under Organic Farming (2013-14) Organic farming is being promoted in an area of 6600 ha where in Organic inputs worth Rs.5000/-ha are being supplied to the registered farmers as incentive Farmer trainings and Exposure visits organized Free Group Certification through Organic certification Agencies AOCA, Bangalore & VOCA, Hyderabad which is under progress Coordinators are appointed for field assistance and Internal Control System Buyer seller meets and Organic trade fairs are organized Promoting Vermi compost units for on farm generation of Organic inputs 24

25 Encouraging the use of Hybrids and High Yielding Varieties in Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Korra and Sama. Popularization of dual purpose (Feed and Fodder)Hybrids and Varieties in Jowar and Bajra. Promotion of Ridge planting for better moisture conservation and efficient utilization of rain water, especially in rainfed areas and also to minimize water logging. Promotion of Soil and water conservation measures and harvesting of rain water in dug out farm ponds for life saving irrigation in the event of rain Failure. integrated and balanced use of nutrients and need based use of micro nutrients on the basis of Soil tests. Integrated pest management for minimizing crop losses and enhancing returns to the farmers. Farm mechanization should be encouraged especially for weeding, harvesting, threshing and dehulling. Most crucial is to promote penetration of those implements that replace labour at those critical moments in the production process in which labour is scarce. Mechanization strategies should be implemented in coordination with MGNREGA policy. Mixed cropping instead of Monocropping. Seed production of proven and successful indigenous varieties of millets to be included as part of INSIMP and other seed support schemes like seed village and seed bank schemes. Strategies for Millets 25


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