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What Kills the Most Americans Every Year?  Rank them in order from 1-10  AIDS  Suicide  Alcohol  Fires  Secondhand Smoke  Heroin  Tobacco  Homicide.

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Presentation on theme: "What Kills the Most Americans Every Year?  Rank them in order from 1-10  AIDS  Suicide  Alcohol  Fires  Secondhand Smoke  Heroin  Tobacco  Homicide."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Kills the Most Americans Every Year?  Rank them in order from 1-10  AIDS  Suicide  Alcohol  Fires  Secondhand Smoke  Heroin  Tobacco  Homicide  Car Crashes  Cocaine/Crack

3 What Kills the Most Americans Every Year? 1. Tobacco: 438,000 2. Alcohol: 105,000 3. Secondhand Smoke: 53,000 4. Car Crashes: 49,000 5. Suicide: 31,000 6. AIDS: 31,000 7. Homicide: 22,000 8. Fires: 4,000 9. Cocaine/Crack: 3,300 10. Heroin: 2,400

4 Tobacco and You What is it? How it affects your body? Costs of Tobacco!

5 The Big Killer  Sold legally & unquestionably causes cancer  Kills 1 out of 3 people who use it as intended!  #1 leading cause of preventable death  Largest epidemic & incident of fatal disease  Millions suffer each year without actually dying

6 What is Tobacco?  A plant  Alone it does have nicotine  After processing is more harmful.  Made into powerful drug  Tobacco picked*leaves dried*aged 2-3 years*soaked in chemicals*product made

7 Chemicals in Tobacco  4,000 chemicals used in cigarettes  53 chemicals are known to cause cancer  List of harmful Chemicals (only a few)  Nicotine-addictive drug in all tobacco products  Tar-dark, thick, sticky substance when tobacco burns  Carbon Monoxide-poisonous gas  Ammonia  Formaldehyde  Cyanide  Methanol

8 Different Forms of Tobacco  Cigarettes  Most common form tobacco used  High risk for lung disease, lung cancer & emphysema  Cigars and Pipes  Produce more tar  Greater risk for cancers of lip, mouth & throat  Smokeless Tobacco  Tobacco ground very fine sniffed or snuffed  Higher risk for lip, tongue, mouth cancer

9 Nicotine’s Addictive Cycle  ADDICTION- physical or mental need for a drug or substance  2 minutes for nicotine to reach brain after inhaled  Absorbed into bloodstream-blood pressure rises & heart rate increases to 33 beats per minute  Oxygen supply decreases & blood circulation decreases to extremities  Physiological dependence -body feels direct need for drug  Psychological dependence -mind sends body message it needs more of the drug  Withdrawals -physical symptoms which occur when someone stops using an addictive substance

10 The Costs of Tobacco  About 25% of population smokes  Adults & teens  Personal  $6.64 pack (Pack a day= $2,424 per year)  Medical costs/Dental costs  Clothing costs  Society  Higher medical costs/Medical Insurance premiums  Lost wages from illnesses & death  Taxes spent caring for sick  Affects of second hand smoke

11 FACTS  Second hand smoke- smoke inhaled by nonsmokers  3,000 deaths per year from secondhand smoke  Passive Smoker- people who don’t smoke but exposed to tobacco smoke on a regular basis  Mainstream smoke- smoke the smoker exhales  Sidestream smoke- smoke that comes from burning end of cigarette  Most dangerous  Smoke that secondhand “smokers” inhale

12 More Facts  Replace 2 million customers a year  Death  Quit  730,000 New underage smokers each year  3,000 youth become regular smokers daily 1/3 die prematurely  90% smokers start before age of 19 (legal age)  10% smokers started after age 19  Average age of 1 st time user 12.5 years old  UTAH STATISTICS  60% start by age 14  190,000 smokers in Utah  15% of youth in Weber County Smoke  81.5% would like to QUIT

13 How it affects the Body?  Personal Appearance  Nervous System  Circulatory System  Respiratory System  Digestive System

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