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Lung Images Normal Lung Internal Comparison- Tar.

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Presentation on theme: "Lung Images Normal Lung Internal Comparison- Tar."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lung Images

3 Normal Lung

4 Internal Comparison- Tar

5 External Comparison- Tar

6 Unhealthy vs. Healthy Lung

7 Lung Cancer

8 Emphysema Video dramatization

9 Over 4,000 Chemicals

10 3 Most Harmful Substances Nicotine- addictive drug –Stimulant –Increases risk for heart disease Tar- carcinogen Carbon Monoxide (CO)- –Poisonous gas –Robs body of oxygen

11 Why is tobacco still legal?? $$$ Government Politics

12 Who profits from cigarette sales?

13 Why do tobacco companies try to market towards teens?




17 Hookah Hookah- charcoal heats bowl of flavored tobacco, producing smoke drawn into bubbling water jar, then inhaled through long shared pipes (risk of hepatitis, herpes, infections) -Sessions can last up to 1 hour -10 liters or more smoke inhaled (cigarettes- more tar & nicotine, but burned over 5 minutes, 300-500 ml smoke inhaled) -inhaling 100–200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette -At risk for the same kinds of diseases as are caused by cigarette smoking -Not a safe alternative to cigarettes Sources: Chicago Tribune, April 2011 & CDC

18 Cigars Contain the same toxic and carcinogenic compounds in cigarettes Increased risk for cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx (voice box), and/or oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat) Cigar smoking is linked to gum disease and tooth loss Heavy cigar smokers and those who inhale deeply may be at increased risk of developing coronary heart disease Heavy cigar smoking increases the risk for lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis not a safe alternative to cigarettes

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