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Mass Media Jan Keltner C4B 2013/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Mass Media Jan Keltner C4B 2013/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass Media Jan Keltner C4B 2013/2014

2 Content of my presentation
The distribution of mass media TV Internet Radio Newspaper

3 The distribution 4 forms of mass media TV Internet Radio Newspaper
Broadsheets Tabloids

4 Television Most popular type of mass media
Adventige – approachable source of information and culture Disadvantige – might be manipulative – advertising UK – BBC, Chanel 5 or IBAC USA – CBS – TV, CNN, Fox TV CZ – ČT 1, ČT 2, Nova, Prima

5 Internet a worldwide network usable through our computers
Advantige – huge amount of information Disadvantage - no verification of the data, viruses, hackers All of other mass media have their own webpage

6 Radio Audio broadcasting News, music, traffic news
Advantage - best way to obtain reliable information or listen to music Disadvantage - you have to concentrate on it quite a lot in order to understand the sense UK – BBC USA – NBC, CBS CZ – český rozhlas, evropa 2

7 Newspaper a set of large printed sheets of paper containing news, articles, advertisements, etc. Advantage - Fresh news daily ,with crosswords, you can read it when you have time Disadvantage - Lots of unnecessarily information, big format 2 forms Broadsheets - Provide information about political events, catastrophes, crimes, business, culture and sports Tabloids - Provide information about lives of famous people and their scandals, hoaxes, crime stories

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