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Vocabulary words. Synonym  different words with almost identical or similar meanings.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary words. Synonym  different words with almost identical or similar meanings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary words

2 Synonym  different words with almost identical or similar meanings

3 Antonym  A word having a meaning opposite to that of another word

4 Retraction- Definition - The withdrawal of a statement, charge, etc. Examples- His charges were false, and he was forced to make a retraction. The newspaper printed a retraction of the incorrect information. Antonym- Confirmation Synonym- Cancelation recall Synonym- Withdrawal reversal Antonym- Corroboration verification

5 Concession- Definition - to agree to, usually grudgingly; to concede; to acknowledge defeat Examples- McCain gave his concession speech after Obama won the election. The employees made some concessions in order to receive a raise. Antonym- deny Synonym- Compromise adjust Synonym- Permit accept Antonym- refuse

6 Dissention- Definition - disagreement; partisan quarreling; to dissent Examples- Religious dissention caused the British colonies to split from the mainland. The controversy sparked dissention among the workers. Antonym- agreement Synonym- argument Synonym- debate Antonym- harmony

7 Jurisdiction- Definition - area of authority; the power to act; the limits within which one may act Examples- It is outside the jurisdiction of this court to settle this matter. You fall under my jurisdiction when you are in this class. Antonym- weakness Synonym- Command assignment Synonym- Control domain Antonym- Out-of-bounds

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