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 Work, Mechanical Advantage, & Simple Machines making jobs easier.

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Presentation on theme: " Work, Mechanical Advantage, & Simple Machines making jobs easier."— Presentation transcript:

1  Work, Mechanical Advantage, & Simple Machines making jobs easier

2 Journal Entry  What is work?  Is there anyway to make work easier? How?

3 Work Demonstration  Moving Pennies… Any Volunteers?  How does the science of physics define work???

4 Work Definition:  Work is done on an object when a force is exerted on an object that causes the object to move some distance.  No work without motion  No work without force in the same direction  Work is the way we transfer energy  Equation:  Work = force X distance

5 Force  A push or a pull  Measured in metric unit of Newtons  One Newton = ~1/5 lbs  Tool: spring scale  Demo Spring Scale

6 Motion and force  Person does not work on weights – weights do not move  Person does work on weights – weights moved Force on weights Summer Olympics 2000 Sydney Australia By Lou Jones

7 Direction and force  Horse does not work on the rider – force not in same direction  Horse does work on the cart - force and motion in the same direction Force on person motion Force on cart

8 Calculating work  Work = Force X Distance  F = Force units = Newton, N  d = Distance units = meter, m  W = Work units = Joule, J  J = N x M  Joules = Newton x Meter  Work = Force x Distance  1 Joule = 1 Newton-meter

9 NASA Video   Show ~ 3:30

10 Eureka Video: What is Work?  Eureka Video: Work Eureka Video: Work

11 Calculating work  Work = Force X Distance  F = Force units = Newton, N  d = Distance units = meter, m  W = Work units = Joule, J  J = N x M  Joules = Newton x Meter  Work = Force x Distance  1 Joule = 1 Newton-meter  Conversion: 1kg = 9.8N (You must memorize this conversion)

12 Practice Calculating Work  If you moved a pencil 20 meters using 2.5 Newtons of force, how much work have you done? W = F x d

13 Practice Calculating Work  A force of 800 N is needed to push a car across a lot. If a student pushes the car 40.0 m. How much work is done?

14 Practice Calculating Work  How much work is done in lifting a 60.0-kg person a vertical distance of 10.0 m? (remember: 1kg = 9.8 N)

15 Practice Doing Work  If you exert a force of 5 N on a stack of 20 textbooks that had a mass of 5.10 kg (about 11 pounds) 1 meter, how much work have you done? (remember: 1 kg = 9.8 N)

16 Ugh! Too much work!  Want help?

17 Simple Machine: Examples

18 Why do we use machines?  to reduce the amount of effort or work we exert  to increase our ability to lift or move objects.

19 Kinds of Machines  Simple Machines  Lever, wheel & axle, pulley, inclined plane, screw, wedge  Few or no moving parts  Compound Machines  Consists of two or more simple machines

20 Simple Machine Families  Inclined Plane Family  wedge, inclined plane (ramp), screw  Lever Family  lever, wheel and axle, pulley

21 Simple Machines & Work  A machine…  is a device that does work  does not increase amount work done  makes it easier to do the same amount of work.  Machines make work easier by …  changing force  changing distance  changing the direction of the force.

22 Machines…  Do NOT change the amount of work done

23 Total work does not change  Work = Force x Distance  If a machine allows you to…  force, then distance  distance, then force  apply a force in a different direction, then it doesn’t change how much force you have to apply or how far you move it

24 Mechanical advantage  # of times a force exerted on machine is multiplied by the machine  Mechanical advantage or MA = Output force Input force  If MA > 1, then force, but distance  If MA < 1, then force, but distance  If MA = 1, then neither the force or distance is changed.

25 Eureka! Video: Mechanical Advantage  NR=1

26 Hey, It’s Tim and Moby  ndtime/work/

27 Attack of the Machines!!!

28 Mechanical Advantage: Simple Machines  You will learn about the MA of specific simple machines when each new machine is introduced.

29 Types of simple machines  Inclined plane  Wedge  Screw  Lever  Wheel and axle  pulley Image taken from:

30 Inclined plane simple/img/plane.gif

31 Wedge simple/img/wedge.gif

32 Screw simple/img/screw.gif

33 Lever simple/img/lever.gif

34 Wheel and axle simple/img/wheel.gif

35 Pulley simple/img/pulley.gif

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