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Phishing scams Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal.

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Presentation on theme: "Phishing scams Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phishing scams Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending s purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, online.

2 Threats

3 Hacking Hacking is to gain unauthorised access to data in a computer or system. Hacking is effective compared to other forms of theft because you can hack anything from anywhere in the world.

4 viruses Viruses are pieces of software designed to cause harm to computers. A virus designed for a windows operating system wouldn’t work for a different one. A lot of viruses are downloaded by not unchecking boxes when downloading something from the internet. Some viruses break down certain programs and send back any information found, these can be a real threat to your computer.

5 phishing Phishing is where somebody sends s claiming to be from honest companies in order to persuade individuals to hand over personal information, like passwords and credit card numbers, over the internet.

6 spam An advertising sent without the users permission. Laws were brought in to make this illegal. Spam usually is just very annoying because a lot of the time its false advertisement for scams. Most services have spam folders that it can get filtered into.

7 Precautions

8 password3 Password234 Pa$sW0rd937 Secure passwords
Here are some examples of weak to strong password, if you keep your password strong, that will prevent any hackers from getting you personal and important files.

9 Public Wi-Fi Public Wi-Fi can be un-trustworthy because people can create hotspots with an identical name. Along with that they can install software which can track everything a person is doing on their fake hotspot. To keep safe on public networks you should try to avoid any connection with them but if you really need to use them try to keep to encrypted sites ( But when on free public Wi-Fi do not go on any kind of banking, social networking sites or pay for anything online unless you want to give your details away.

10 Hacking Stopping hacking can be hard, but there are precautions you can take to prevent it from happening. Firewall. -Having a firewall will somewhat help to prevent hackers from using viruses to. damage your computer, you can set different levels of access for different IP addresses. Password everything. -passwords should be very strong. (see slide 8). Don’t stay logged in to any social networks like Facebook or Twitter.

11 Viruses To prevent a virus you must have a good anti virus protecting your computer, most of the time that does a great job at keeping away the viruses.

12 Phishing To prevent phishing you must be really careful where you put your . Phishing is something really hard to prevent but there are more things you can do to prevent being effected by phishing. For example, never open a link on an that is from an adress you have never heard of.

13 Spam Spam isn’t really something we are able to stop. Most services have junk mail folder where the majority of spam mail is sent to. Every now and then you should check your junk mail because sometimes s from people you know gets filtered into it. Make sure you defiantly know who the is from before you click it.

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