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1 Technology Round 7 Fáilte. 2 9.15 – 9.30 Introduction & Update (Pat Lynch) 9.30 – 10.45 Core: - Quality Management & Reliability (Elizabeth Davis) 10.45-

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Presentation on theme: "1 Technology Round 7 Fáilte. 2 9.15 – 9.30 Introduction & Update (Pat Lynch) 9.30 – 10.45 Core: - Quality Management & Reliability (Elizabeth Davis) 10.45-"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Technology Round 7 Fáilte

2 2 9.15 – 9.30 Introduction & Update (Pat Lynch) 9.30 – 10.45 Core: - Quality Management & Reliability (Elizabeth Davis) 10.45- 11.00 Tea/Coffee 11.00 – 13.00 Project: - Sample content ‘Student Design Folder’ (Elizabeth Davis) 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 16.00 Core & Option: - Information & Communication Tech. (Pat Lynch) Structure for today

3 3 Changes in T4 Support Service Martin Cassidy - new ANC (Acting) for Technology Hugh McLean - new RDO (Acting) for Technology Liam Murphy appointed E.A.M. within the S.E.C. Tom Rowan - new ANC for DCG

4 4 T4 support Service - (New Structures) Regional Organiser: Organises the sessions in their assigned Education Centres, creates the invitations & record attendances. Schools fax back confirmation of attendance to Regional Organiser Subject Support Person: Offers advice in relation to the particular subject matter, resources, assessment requirements etc. Regional Organiser Subject Support D.C.G. Subject Support Technology Elizabeth DavisBarney BeasleyElizabeth Davis Limerick Education Centre: See t4 web site for contact

5 5 Leaving Certificate Technology Phase one Sept. 2007 Leaving Certificate Technology- 44 schools Phase two Sept. 2008 – 14 schools Curriculum funding: All phase two schools must confirm in writing they are offering Lev. Cert. Technology Sept. 2008 to : Michelle Kavanagh, Moderinisation & Policy School Building Unit, Department Of Education & Science, Tullamore email:

6 6 Technology Sample Paper - SEC The State Exams Commission will issue Sample papers for the Leaving Certificate Technology terminal exam to schools by the end of September 2008. T4 hope to provide resource material to teachers and students on the underlying principles contained in the questions on the sample paper.

7 7 Renewal notices issued at the end of May 2008 Letter from T4 issued on 16th June Updated letter from Dell – September 08 New deadline is 30th September Options: Purchase annual/perpetual license for MS Learning Suite Look at existing licensing arrangement for MS products – DEIS, VEC agreement, other Purchase MS Office & Publisher Word processing freeware MS Learning Suite - License

8 8 Content for rounds 7, 8 & 9 Session 1Session 2Session 3 Round 7 17 Sept. to 14 th Oct. Core: - Quality Control & Reliability Project: - Sample content ‘Student Design Folder’ Core & Option: - Information and Communication Technology Round 8 11 th Nov. to 10 th Dec. Option: - Manufacturing Systems (1) Core: - Structures & Mechanisms Technology & Society Option: - Applied Control Systems Robotics Round 9 3 rd Feb. to 10 th March Option: - Manufacturing Systems (2) Option: - Material Technology Option: - Applied Control Systems Pneumatics

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