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A Student’s Guide To The Internet By: Isaiah Klassen October 30 th 2013 I.T. Blk. 7.

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Presentation on theme: "A Student’s Guide To The Internet By: Isaiah Klassen October 30 th 2013 I.T. Blk. 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Student’s Guide To The Internet By: Isaiah Klassen October 30 th 2013 I.T. Blk. 7

2 The Internet can be dangerous There are internet creeps so if you are making an account of lets say Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or any other social networking or website in general you always have to be careful what kind of information you put out there. Here are 5 TOP TIPS on keeping safe #1:Don’t give out personal information #2:Don’t talk to strangers #3:Make secure passwords for accounts you make #4:Use secure networks #5:Stay appropriate

3 Healthy Computing/Ergonomics The definition of Ergonomics: How fast and efficient you do your work “Ergonomics should be important to everyone; however, employers and employees should be very concerned with ergonomics.” This sentence is true because if ergonomics wasn’t important to everyone no one would work hard. Employers and employees should be especially concerned with ergonomics since employer have to employ hard working efficient workers and employees have to work hard and be efficient in order to get a job and help their company.

4 Long & Short Term Effects For Working In A Non-Ergonomic Workplace Long Term Effects -Maybe you wont get hired for another job -Bad work experience Short Term Effects -Low money

5 Which is more ergonomic? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dirty and sticky, how are you supposed to get work done or ANYTHING done with a mouse and key board like this! 0/10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The nice clean basic mouse and keyboard shown above is nice and basic ready to get work done. 10/10

6 Which is more ergonomic? ^^^^^^^^^ This computer chair is extremely comfortable enabling long work hours so that you back and muscles don’t get sore.10/10 ^^^^^^^^^^^ This is extremely uncomfortable and isn’t very ergonomic since you can get no work done because your to busy complaining on your back hurting too much.2/10

7 Intellectual property Define “Intellectual Property”: Refers to the creation of our human minds such as inventions, literature, art work…ect.

8 In Canada is file sharing illegal? Under Canadian law file sharing is illegal if it is copyrighted, but if it is not copyrighted then it is legal. In 2012 Canada passed a new law stating this, which is Bill C-11.

9 Should file sharing be illegal or legal? I think file sharing should be legal but only if it isn’t copyrighted because for example if you file share music it is not your right to give away something that is not yours and that you don’t have permission to put it up. Its legal to download but illegal to put it up for others to download for free

10 Helpful Websites to Students

11 A website where You can look up Any word and It will tell you the Definition not authoritative or bias

12 A social network Where you can Keep in touch with Friends and family I think this is bias because anyone could post there opinion on the website

13 Where you can watch funny videos that may be a tutorial or anything really. Bias, anyone can

14 The number one search engine like you can literally search anything. No its not authoritative or bias

15 Stage of Life This website gives Helpful studying Tips udyAbroad.aspx udyAbroad.aspx not bias or authoritative

16 Works cited Donner Lindsey Blank chalkboard published March 22,2013 yec web Oct. 16 2013 Sam Jones Filthy as a loo seat: hazard of computer keyboards published may 1 st 2008 November 1 st 2013 Darkone mouse published 22 nd July 2005 Wikipedia November 1 st 2013 RamaRoa bobby standard keyboard no date published Tech wonders blog spot Nov. 1 st 2013 Matt5cott Gallow/Galloway exec office chair published feb. 05 2013 tech. forums nov. 5 2013

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