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Information Services support for distance learners Barry Croucher IS Helpdesk Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Services support for distance learners Barry Croucher IS Helpdesk Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Services support for distance learners Barry Croucher IS Helpdesk Manager

2 Registering (for IS services) Registry perform manual update on Students Record System when student becomes Unconditional on Postgraduate database Information transferred overnight from Students Record System into IS systems – IDMS, SMSmail, MyEd, Library, University Card populated automatically Card Application forms, logon details and SMSmail details posted EASE registration – student logs on at home using UUN and original password to access MyEd WebCT access – course registration prompts overnight download to WebCT to give student access to WebCT active courses

3 MyEd portal performance MyEd provides a framework and context for WebCT and programme related information, and links to Library resources MyEd upgraded May 2007 and load tested late August 2007 MyEd has worked successfully throughout first weeks of new session even though load on system (daily and hourly) significantly higher than last year – load is well within capacity

4 MyEd portal developments Academic services –Plans for RSS aggregator channel to provide one central place for personal RSS feeds –Rework of MyEd skins to fit University website redesign Administrative facilities –Payment of student fees enhanced to include personal financial record information Student life –NUS extra card can be purchased, giving 5% Amazon discount –EUSA Forum for threaded discussions Collaborative tools –Central ‘Confluence’-based wiki service to be launched soon –Staff and students can request a wiki via form at:

5 Enquiry management Gateway to IS support via: Managed by IS Helpdesk and uses CMS Provides: –Single point of entry –Identification as distance learner enquiry –Resolved by IS Helpdesk, or –Referred to specialist IS support teams (Digital Library; IT User Services, Student IT Support; E-Learning), or –Referred to academic programme support teams –Enquiry tracking to ensure rapid resolution

6 Calls received this session Enquiry 1.Accessing databases IEEE; Westlaw 2.Accessing specific online articles 3.Using University e- mail 4.Computer set up Resolution 1.Gave generic logon; advised installing Athens institutional cookie 2.Changed search technique 3.Advised on setting preferred address 4.Advised on removing MAC certificate

7 Calls received last session Enquiry 1.Logging on with EASE 2.Accessing databases (Westlaw, Lexis-Nexis) 3.Accessing specific online articles 4.E-script enquiries 5.Accessing MyEd 6.Accessing WebCT Resolution 1.Registering for EASE 2.Advised installing Athens institutional cookie 3.Directed to host database; set up ezproxy link and checked with publisher 4.Referred to 5.MyEd service restored 6.Load balancer checked; advised on configuring browser; advised on avoiding firewall restrictions

8 How you can help us Enquiries Promote as single point of entry into IS services for distance Preference for student enquirers to use University e-mail (to help with enquiry management in CMS)

9 Computing support For students: Student IT Support team – –Web helpdesk at: For Staff of College of MVM: – –Tel: 650 3027 For Staff of College of S&E: – –Tel: 650 5013 For Staff of College of HSS: – –Tel: 651 3000

10 Library support Resources and services –Continuing growth in provision of online resources Databases (Searcher); Journals; Books; Ereserve; Exam papers –EASE authentication to resources and use of Athens institutional cookie –Use of ezproxy prefix to url to allow direct access to embedded journal articles that are added to the ezproxy database –E-Inter-Library Loans pilot (online ordering, document delivery) In development –N3 JANET gateway to improve NHS-HE network connectivity –JISC national ebooks observatory to test effect of publishers providing textbooks online –Shibboleth to improve access to resources using a single institutionally controlled identity as successor to Athens

11 Library support Key contacts: Liaison Librarians – Support provided includes: Advice on selection and access to resources IPR advice on re-using materials Content and tutorial support to assist development of students information skills Reference enquiries: via Ask a Librarian; Ask A Question –

12 How you can help us Library support Early discussion with liaison librarian with regard to resource materials and subject support for courses (it may not be possible to provide everything on a resource list) Invite liaison librarians to review resources and information to keep uptodate

13 E-learning Help for Staff eLearning and IS Skills Development team provides: Technical help for academic and related staff re. WebCT FAQs on WebCT for staff at: Consultancy re. the pedagogy and tools of technology enhanced learning: –email or –information via website at: Basic information covering registration and support processes customisable to course from:

14 E-learning Help for (mainly) students Questions from students re. access to WebCT to: FAQs about WebCT for students at: Advise use of Browser Check in WebCT to self-diagnose computer set up … –Be aware of supported browsers and java version –Pop-ups and files downloads should be enabled Starting point for help for off campus users of IS services from:

15 How you can help us E-learning support Early discussion with E-learning team with regard to delivering courses through WebCT Early discussion with E-learning team with regard to delivering e-learning using technology Correct errors and offer additional questions and answers to enhance basic information covering registration and support processes

16 Information Services support for distance learners Questions please?

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