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Ms. Dobbs Open School Night Fourth Grade Guardian Angel School 2008 - 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Dobbs Open School Night Fourth Grade Guardian Angel School 2008 - 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Dobbs Open School Night Fourth Grade Guardian Angel School 2008 - 2009

2 Welcome Introduction Education – BS in Elementary Education – MS in Learning Technology Experience – 6 th year in fourth grade – 2 years teaching grade 2-5 English/Science – 3 years in second grade

3 Organization We are working very hard to be organized this year. Students have a labeled folder and notebook for each subject. Desks are expected to be neat. All books need to be covered.

4 Homework Given Monday through Thursday Should read 20 minutes each night Review Spelling words and multiplication tables each night Homework should not take longer than 45 minutes. Can be found on website

5 Specials This year Gym will be on Thursdays. – Students wear t-shirt and shorts under uniform and carry socks and sneakers in backpack. Art is on Mondays. School Mass – once a month

6 Classroom Rules Follow directions. Do not call out or speak without permission. Ask permission to leave your seat. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Respect yourself and others at all times.

7 Behavior Management We will use a color coded chart. Green – great day Yellow- Warning Orange- Behavior journal/ no recess Red- Contact parent/ no recess Severe- lunch detention

8 Rewards Children receive “class cash” for good behavior. Store will open before report cards. Other rewards include computer passes.

9 Technology We are lucky to have a SMARTBoard in our classroom this year. Technology will be incorporated into most lessons through the use of interactive SMARTBoard lessons, PowerPoint, educational websites, and educational movies from Brain Pop

10 Technology con’t We have one classroom computer. Students may use computer for research, playing educational games, or typing papers. Computer use is always monitored.

11 Morning Routine Students may start entering classroom at 7:50. Ten minutes to unpack quietly. Morning assignment will be on blackboard. All students are required to do assignment no matter what time they enter classroom. Occasionally assignments will be graded.

12 Classroom Library All books are categorized and labeled by genre or subject. Students may take up to 2 books out at a time. Books must be returned in the condition they were given in.

13 Scholastic Book forms will be given out each month. Purchasing books is optional. Pay by cash or check (made out to Scholastic Book Clubs). Put money in labeled envelope. Use one check for ordering from multiple flyers.

14 Website We have a classroom website. Information regarding homework, spelling words, and educational resources can be found here. Dobbs/gallery2.stm Dobbs/gallery2.stm We also have a new school website.

15 Assessment NYS ELA Exam: January NYS Math Exam: March NYS Science Exam: May ITBS Test: April Archdiocesan Religion Exam: June January Exams June Exams

16 Tests Students will be informed in advance of upcoming tests. All tests must be signed and returned the next day. Students may write out corrections to get a passing grade. Spelling and multiplication corrections must be done 5 times each.

17 Grading Assignments will be graded according to a percentage: – Classwork 30% – Tests/Quizzes 50% – Homework 10% – Projects 10%

18 Book Projects Students will have a book project on a different genre each month. Project schedule has been handed to students and can be found on website (class notes section) Book project directions will be given out each month. Students should be reading chapter books at their reading level.

19 Dismissal Dismissal is at 2:30 across the street. I will bring any students who are not picked up back to the office. Please send me a note if you would like your child to go home by his/herself or wait in the park alone. Dismissal on half days is at noon.

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