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INTRODUCTION TO Individual Series Competitive Events Copyright © 2009 DECA Inc. All rights reserved. May be customized by DECA advisors.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO Individual Series Competitive Events Copyright © 2009 DECA Inc. All rights reserved. May be customized by DECA advisors."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTION TO Individual Series Competitive Events Copyright © 2009 DECA Inc. All rights reserved. May be customized by DECA advisors.

2 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Individual Series Events Only one student may compete in the event. Components of Competition: –Comprehensive Exam –Two or more role-play interactions WHAT WILL I HAVE TO DO?

3 COMPREHENSIVE EXAM COMPREHENSIVE EXAM Individual Series Events All participants will take a 100-question multiple-choice exam. You can practice with old exams. The exam answer key shows you the correct answer, explains it, and explains why the other choices are wrong. WHAT WILL BE ON THE EXAM?

4 OCCUPATIONAL AREAS OCCUPATIONAL AREAS Individual Series Events “An industry in the business world.” Events are broken into different occupational areas. Exams and role-plays are created with the specific occupational area in mind. WHAT IS AN OCCUPATIONAL AREA?

5 OCCUPATIONAL AREAS OCCUPATIONAL AREAS Individual Series Events Accounting Applications Apparel and Accessories Marketing Automotive Services Marketing Business Finance Business Services Marketing Food Marketing Hotel and Lodging Management Human Resources Management Marketing Management Quick Serve Restaurant Management Restaurant and Food Service Management Retail Merchandising Sports and Entertainment Marketing

6 CAREER CLUSTERS CAREER CLUSTERS Individual Series Events Career Clusters: groupings of similar occupations/ careers Individual Series Events relate to the Career Clusters of Marketing Finance Hospitality and Tourism Business Administration & Management Career Clusters of the Series Events

7 COMPREHENSIVE EXAM COMPREHENSIVE EXAM Individual Series Events You will take an exam in the career cluster of your event. Example: Accounting Applications Series Business Finance Cluster Hotel and Lodging Management Quick Serve Restaurant Management Restaurant and Food Service Management Hospitality and Tourism Cluster Human Resources Management Business Administration & Management Which exam will you take? Click here to view online

8 COMPREHENSIVE EXAM COMPREHENSIVE EXAM Individual Series Events Apparel and Accessories Marketing Automotive Services Marketing Business Services Marketing Food Marketing Marketing Management Retail Merchandising Sports and Entertainment Marketing Marketing Cluster Which exam will you take?

9 ROLE-PLAYS ROLE-PLAYS Individual Series Events “An interchange between two people each assuming a different function or position.” The participant receives an event overview and has 10 minutes to review and prepare for the interchange. Following the preparation time, the participant has 10 minutes to role-play with the judge. WHAT IS A ROLE-PLAY?

10 ROLE-PLAYS ROLE-PLAYS Individual Series Events What roles are being played? Examples: Employer/Employee Manager/Owner Sales Associate/Customer WHO AM I? WHO IS THE JUDGE?

11 INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS Individual Series Events “A general topic or unit of the course.” Examples: Pricing Promotion Selling Economics Business Law WHAT IS THIS ROLE-PLAY ABOUT?

12 INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS Individual Series Events 2012 Nor Cal Packet Online Print out the Competition Action Plan Form E-1, E-2 pages 14-17 WHAT IS THIS ROLE-PLAY ABOUT?

13 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Individual Series Events “Specific skills or knowledge under an instructional area.” Example: INSTRUCTIONAL AREA: Promotion PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (There are generally 5 per role-play.): Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function. Explain the types of promotion. Identify the elements of the promotional mix. WHAT DO I NEED TO COVER?

14 THE DECA COMPETITIVE EVENTS WEB SITE: What will I find there? Guidelines Sample role-plays Sample exam questions A complete list of performance indicators Your teacher will point out the performance indicators in each unit you study. The more you can answer or demonstrate, the better your chances at competition! WHERE CAN I FIND PI’s?

15 Tips For Success Introduce yourself. Give a firm handshake/positive attitude- good first impression! Wear conservative professional dress, minimal jewelry and/or fragrance Don't sit until the judge sits Never chew gum. Strong opening!

16 Tips For Success Exude energy! Smile ! Relax. Answer in a professional manner. Maintain good eye contact. Don’t answer just yes or no. Talk like you know your stuff (even if you don’t).

17 Tips For Success Be sure to cover the following in your notes: –What role you play –What role the judge plays –Each of the five performance indicators –Solution/Outcome to the identified problem/objective Strong close! Thank the judge for his or her time.

18 Sample Role Play & Strategies The In’s & Out’s of a Role Play Sample Role Play

19 Guided Practice 1.Working with a partner, review the role play. 2.You will each prepare your own notes as if you are the presenter (competitor). 3.The first thing you should indicate in your notes is: a)What is the occupational category (event)? b)What career cluster does this role play fit in (test)? c)What is the instructional area (focus of role play)? d)What role do you play? e)What role does the judge play? f)Where does the role play take place (setting)? g)Who begins the role play? How does it begin?

20 Guided Practice 4. Next review the performance indicators & write them in your notes (leaving room to fill in below, as you continue). 5. Continue by reading the event situation again. Because this is only practice, you can discuss with your partner some potential ideas to present (that relate to the PI’s). Remember that you will each need to take your own notes, though, as if you are the presenter. 6. The next step will be to practice presenting. You will have 10 minutes to present your ideas to your partner (who will play the judge). 7. Now switch with another group. The previous “competitor” will now play the judge & hear some new ideas.

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