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Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air F.H. Schaedlich
Introduction to Model 1130/35 Automated Ambient Air Speciated Mercury Monitor F.H. Schaedlich Rev: November 3, 2003 Tekran Inc.
Acknowledgements Matt Landis US EPA 1 Robert K. Stevens Florida DEP 2a
Tom Atkeson Florida DEP 2b Eric Prestbo Frontier Geosciences 3 Steve Lindberg Oak Ridge Nat’l Labs 4 Gerald Keeler University of Michigan 5 1 Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 2a At US EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 2b Tallahassee, FL 414 Pontius Ave. N., Suite B, Seattle, WA 98109 PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 5 School of Public Health, 109 Observatory Street, MI
Total Gaseous Mercury Monitoring
Part 1 Total Gaseous Mercury Monitoring
Why measure parts per Quadrillion of Mercury ?
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Why measure parts per Quadrillion of Mercury ? Mercury is one of the most potent neurotoxins known Bio-accumulates up the food chain by factors of up to 10,000,000 times Sub-ppt levels in air can accumulate to toxic ppm levels in fish Levels are increasing worldwide Long life in the atmosphere means that mercury emissions are of global concern Tekran Inc.
Total Gaseous Mercury Monitoring
Originally implemented manually Gold coated silica field cartridges Analysis using dual stage thermal desorption with CVAFS (atomic fluorescence) detection Gold preconcentration with AA (atomic absorption) detection had been shown to be subject to serious artifacts when attempting to measure ambient levels
Model 2537A Mercury Analyzer
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Model 2537A Mercury Analyzer Automated implementation of gold/AF manual method Instrument protected by US and international patents Has largely supplanted manual cartridge methods Provides continuous total gaseous (TGM) readings with update rate as low as minutes Detection limit < 0.1 ng/m3 (5 min. samples) Automatic recalibration with internal Hg0 permeation source Capable of unattended operation for extended periods Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Model 2537A Analyzer Tekran Inc.
Principles of Operation
Mercury in sample gas is preconcentrated onto (pat’d) pure gold cartridge Adsorbed mercury is thermally desorbed Detected by atomic fluorescence detector Two cartridges are used to alternately sample and desorb No gaps in data stream
Flow Diagram of Model 2537A Mercury Analyzer (Pat’d)
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Flow Diagram of Model 2537A Mercury Analyzer (Pat’d) Dual cartridges. One samples while the other is being desorbed. The roles are then reversed. Calibration is performed using an internal permeation source. An injection port is available for manual saturated mercury vapour injections. Sample flow is measured using a mass flow controller connected to a variable speed pump in a closed loop arrangement. A full size tank of argon carrier lasts about 2 months. Tekran Inc.
Pure Gold Cartridge (Pat’d)
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Pure Gold Cartridge (Pat’d) Pure gold only is used as adsorbent No quartz wool or silica No memory effect Extremely durable design Lasts for years of continuous use Cartridge design is protected by separate US and international patents Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Pure Gold Cartridge Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Atomic Fluorescence Much more sensitive than atomic adsorption MDL < 0.1 pg absolute Not subject to interferences AA requires some sort of compensation/correction scheme Interfering compounds (e.g. SO2, O3, organics) often present in concentrations thousands of times higher than Hg Inherently linear Detector linear over >5 orders of magnitude Tekran Inc.
Tekran AF Detector Features
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Tekran AF Detector Features Most sensitive, most stable and lowest noise AF detector available Some reasons why: Temperature controlled lamp block Optical feedback loop for constant lamp intensity Optical path purged with argon for stability < 10 ml/min required for optical purge Magnetic shield on photomultiplier tube Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Tekran AF Detector Tekran Inc.
Internal Permeation Source
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Internal Permeation Source Allows automated, unattended calibrations Ensures that analyzer results are always accurate Allows standard additions to sample gas Ensures that analyzer is working properly even when confronted with difficult matrices Long life permeation tube Low emission rate: Approx 30 µg/yr Theoretical life: thousands of years! Special auto-flush feature ensures no carryover after activation Tekran Inc.
Perm Source Flow Diagram
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Perm Source Flow Diagram Tekran Inc.
Integrates into Monitoring Networks
Designed to look and operate like other continuous ambient air monitors Rack mountable Easy to use interface Two analog chart outputs Serial output provides hi-resolution results and: Instrument performance variables Full record of each calibration Record of instrument setup parameters
Operational Characteristics
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Operational Characteristics Lamp lasts in excess of one year of continuous operation Inexpensive, multi-sourced Unlimited shelf life No special isotopes required No zero drift ! Each reading is an integrated peak value Detector drift does not affect results Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Reporting Basis Reports data readings based on sample volumes corrected to 0°C, 760 mm All Hg concentrations in the literature are reported on this volume basis No reading-by-reading temperature and pressure corrections required to normalize data Reporting at other conditions (e.g. 20 °C) is possible simply by changing internal menu setting Tekran Inc.
True Ambient Measurement
Tekran Model 2537A is the only analyzer available that is capable of accurately and precisely measuring true ambient mercury values Can measure mercury in actual gas matrices Virtually any analyzer (even uncompensated AA units) can give correct answers when measuring mercury in zero air!
Other Applications With appropriate accessories and front ends the Tekran Model 2537A can perform: Process gas monitoring Continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) Mercury flux measurement Both chamber & gradient methods! Standard additions Speciation: ionic (reactive gaseous) mercury Speciation: particulate bound mercury
Sample Data: Chlor-Alkali Plant
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Sample Data: Chlor-Alkali Plant Plot of wind direction vs. ambient mercury values Two months of continuous monitoring Plant is located 18 miles distant Fish consumption advisories in effect Fish levels were > 1.5 ppm even though air readings were only slightly elevated Global background:~1.5 ng/m3 This plant is in North Carolina. Tekran Inc.
Depletions of Mercury in the Arctic
The 2537A is capable of extremely precise measurement of even sub-ambient readings. In cases where two instruments are running, they track each other very closely.
Validation of Depletion Events
This line shows the % recovery of periodic automated standard additions of elemental mercury to the sample matrix. The recoveries are ~ 100%, yielding absolute confidence that these unusual values represented a genuine, hitherto unknown phenomenon.
Reactive Gaseous Mercury Monitoring
Part 2 Reactive Gaseous Mercury Monitoring
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Tekran’s Objectives Development of an automated method to measure and differentiate different forms of mercury in ambient air Reactive Gaseous Mercury (RGM) Fine Fraction Particulate Mercury (HgP) Elemental mercury (Hg0) Tekran Inc.
Why Ambient Air Mercury Speciation ?
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Why Ambient Air Mercury Speciation ? Different forms of gaseous Hg have vastly different behaviors and environmental impacts Forms can interconvert in the atmosphere and in various reservoirs Classes of mercury in ambient air: Elemental mercury: Hg0, GEM Reactive mercury: HgII, RGM, Hg2+ Particulate mercury: HgP, TPM Won’t talk about particulate mercury due to time constraints. Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Elemental Mercury: Hg0 Typically 90+% of atmospheric Hg loadings Relatively inert. Long residence time Hg0 sources impact large areas Sources: chlor-alkali plants, gold and Hg mining, thermal power plants Tekran Inc.
Reactive Mercury: Hg(II) or RGM
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Reactive Mercury: Hg(II) or RGM Consists of ionic, water soluble forms, primarily HgCl2 Usually only a few percent of total gaseous mercury present in the atmosphere Short range: deposits relatively close to the source of emission Primary sources: Coal burning power plants, waste incinerators, chlor-alkali plants Tekran Inc.
Difficulties Measuring RGM
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Difficulties Measuring RGM Method must be 1-2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than total mercury methods Reject much larger elemental component Must exclude particulate bound mercury, however, conventional particulate filters cannot pass RGM Apparatus must pass RGM to the collector quantitatively. (RGM is extremely “sticky”) Tekran Inc.
Model 1130 - Principles of Operation
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Model Principles of Operation Patented by Tekran. (US 6,475,802) Quartz, KCl coated annular denuder is thermally desorbed and regenerated Sampling Phase Absorbs RGM while passing all elemental Hg Model 2537A reads Hg0 during this phase Desorption/Analysis Phase Zero air used as carrier RGM released as elemental mercury Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
RGM Sampling Phase Denuder is slightly warm Inlet slightly warm Denuder captures all RGM while passing Hg0 Total sample flow is 10 lpm Analyzer measures Hg0 during this time Tekran Inc.
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Analysis Phase Denuder is heated to 500°C Inlet heated to clean up-stream glassware. (75 °C) Denuder releases captured RGM as Hg0 Excess zero air flow and heat cleans upstream components Instrument measures accumulated RGM as Hg0 Tekran Inc.
Quartz Denuder Assembly
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Quartz Denuder Assembly Elutriator Jet Impactor Body & Disk Zero Air Inlet Sample Air Annulus Elbow (not used with 1135) Coupler Tekran Inc.
Model 1130 Speciation System
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Model Speciation System Denuder Module (top) Located out of doors Contains denuder element within high performance oven Impactor inlet removes coarse particles (> 2.5 um) Climate controlled enclosure Tekran Inc.
Model 1130 Speciation System
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Model Speciation System Pump Module (bottom) Located beside 2537A Provides extra flow required during sampling Generates the zero air required during desorption Also provides all zero air required by Model 2537A! Heated line (not shown) 25 ft. length connects the two modules Tekran Inc.
Instrument Characteristics
Fully automated, unattended operation Denuder exchanged every 1 or 2 weeks Operates in any environment Polar (Greenland, USA, Canada, Antarctica) Sub-tropical (Florida Everglades) Desert (Nevada) Marine (ocean cruises) High altitude (Mauna Loa)
Data Characteristics High time resolution Hg0 data provided during sampling phase Typically every 2½ or 5 min Data is averaged to yield one Hg0 point per sampling period Single RGM integrated value every sample period Sample period: 0.5 – 3 hours Analysis Period: 25 – 60 min Data values are for the exact same time period
Method Validation Method was developed over a two year period at Tekran before being announced Tested using both HgCl2 and HgI2 as surrogates for RGM Two prototype units bought by State of Florida Units evaluated by Frontier Geosciences in Seattle under contract with Florida DEP Subsequent field testing by Keeler et al, University of Michigan & Lindberg et al., ORNL
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Lab RGM Apparatus - (1997) Denuder This is our RGM lab setup, with one denuder and one packed backup trap. Fortunately, Tekran is good at packaging something like this. Model 2537A Coffee Can Tekran Inc.
Preliminary Results - Toronto
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Preliminary Results - Toronto Tekran Inc.
Preliminary Results - Toronto
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Preliminary Results - Toronto Two curves have been shifted horizontally for visibility Tekran Inc.
Lab Testing: Frontier Geosciences
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Lab Testing: Frontier Geosciences Tekran Inc.
Seattle RGM Data Municipal Incinerator Plume
Courtesy: Frontier Geosciences
Mercury Levels - Rural Michigan
Courtesy: UMAQL
Particulate Mercury Monitoring
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Why Measure HgP ? Particulate bound mercury (TPM / HgP) is created directly by some industrial processes and also formed downwind of sources by the combination of mercury with existing particulates HgP is removed even more rapidly via wet and dry deposition than is RGM Tekran Inc.
Particulate Mercury: TPM
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Particulate Mercury: TPM Consists of various compounds of mercury bound onto particles Size range: Generally thought to be < 3 um Usually only a few percent of total mercury present in the atmosphere Short range: deposits relatively close to the source of emission Tekran Inc.
Difficulties Measuring HgP
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Difficulties Measuring HgP Method must be 1-2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than total mercury methods Must reject much larger elemental component Method must also exclude reactive gaseous mercury, however, normal particulate filters have problems in that they retain some RGM Virtually all conventional measurement methods have recently been found to have serious analytical artifacts due to RGM (Landis, et al, ES&T, 2002) Artifact is non-quantitative and cannot be subtracted or corrected Tekran Inc.
Model 1135 - Principles of Operation
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air Model Principles of Operation Sampling Phase Sample passes through impactor to eliminate coarse particles (> 2.5 um) Coated denuder captures RGM and eliminates RGM artifact Quartz, Regenerable Particulate Filter (RPF) captures fine fraction (< 2.5 um) particulates Desorption/Analysis Phase Zero air used as carrier Downstream pyrolyser is activated first RPF is then heated to desorb captured particulates Tekran Inc.
RPF Quartz wool captures bulk of particulate matter
Quartz membrane filter disk Pyrolyzer (quartz chips) Air Gap Tail Inlet (from denuder) Quartz wool captures bulk of particulate matter Quartz filter membrane provides sharp cut-off (<0.1 um) Built in pyrolyzer section converts desorbed species to Hg0 Carbon based particulate matter on the filter is oxidized to CO2 during desorption cycle Tail provides cooling
Model 1135 – Particulate Mercury Monitor
Unit stacks on top of Model 1130 Allows simultaneous deter-mination of Hg0, RGM and HgP Detection limit < 2 pg/m3
Model 1130 & Model Flow Path
Ambient Air Speciation
Sample Installations Figure 1 - Temporary Model 1130/35 Installation (AES, Quebec Canada) Figure 2 - Permanent Arctic Model Installation (NOAA, Barrow Alaska) Figure 3 - Model 1130-P (prototype) Mounted on roof of trailer (US EPA, NERL) Figure 4 - Temporary Model P Installation (US EPA & Florida DEP) Figure 5 - Model 1130-P sampling in Antarctica (GKSS & AWI, Germany)
Mercury Monitoring in Ambient Air
Conclusion Measurement of mercury species at ambient levels is now practical Equipment has shown its utility and reliability in a wide variety of sampling situations around the world Some additional commitment in resources is required to implement a successful speciated mercury monitoring program Tekran Inc.
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