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Mes Opinions- My Opinions JC 2013. Jadore- I love Jaime- I like Je naime pas- I dont like Je déteste- I hate/detest The four opinions.

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Presentation on theme: "Mes Opinions- My Opinions JC 2013. Jadore- I love Jaime- I like Je naime pas- I dont like Je déteste- I hate/detest The four opinions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mes Opinions- My Opinions JC 2013

2 Jadore- I love Jaime- I like Je naime pas- I dont like Je déteste- I hate/detest The four opinions

3 Je tadore-I adore you. Je taime- I love you. Je tdéteste- I hate you. Je taime bien- I fancy you. Extra Opinions!

4 Why do we write and say jaime, not je aime? The reason is what we call the A, Er, Eee, Oh, Ooo, Ash rule (the a, e, i, o, u, h rule). We avoid a mushy sound (try saying je aime…). No words can end in a vowel+h and be next to another word starting with a vowel+h. RULE 1: A, Er, Eee, Oh, Ooo, Ash

5 Why is it that when we translate a English opinion (I like horses) into French it becomes I like the horses (Jaime le chevals)? This is the basis for rule 2: you MUST put le/la/les in front of your noun and behind your opinion (I like the [noun]). RULE 2: Le/la/les

6 Whenever we make something negative, we put ne pas around the word (Je ne suis pas, Je naime pas etc.) This is the third rule: to make something negative you put ne pas around your statement ((I) am, (I) like etc.) Try making these negative: Je suis (I am) Je déteste (I hate) Jadore (I love) RULE 3: Transforming into negatives!

7 Translate these sentences into French/English: 1.I like cats. 2.Je adore la souris 3.Je déteste le bleu. 4.I dont like dogs. 5.I hate horses. Translation Practice!

8 What are the 3 rules? Research 5 Infinitives, and answer the questions below: 1.What are they? 2.How do they help/expand your ability to express opinions? Translate the sentences below for a merit, using a dictionary (L4 skill): 1.Je déteste le clefs. 2.Jaime le château. 3.Jadore la réalité. 4.Je déteste mes amis. Lesson Summary

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