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COINWell Community Outpatient Independence Network for Wellness.

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Presentation on theme: "COINWell Community Outpatient Independence Network for Wellness."— Presentation transcript:

1 COINWell Community Outpatient Independence Network for Wellness

2 Outline Introduction to COINWell System Overview Demonstration! Open Discussion/ Proposal Organization

3 Introduction Motivation: Patients are generally much happier at home, hospitalization is very expensive and patients often feel disconnected from their families, providers and their community. Goal: Develop a system which monitors patients’ mental health in their homes and helps them feel connected to providers and their community.

4 Patient Interface Screen Saver Login. Random video questions. Responses transmitted to server. Video cached for performance.

5 Server-Side Application Patient Video Questions and Responses presented to staff. Staff can view prior or reference responses. Scoring system including patient score history. Data available for evaluation and research.

6 Automation Motivation Improved performance Fewer false positives Video analysis to look for unusual appearance or behaviors. Voice analysis to detect unusual speech patterns and key words. Goal: To assist staff in accessing daily videos by flagging deteriorating patient condition.

7 Social Network Capacity already be built into the general system. Will provide more input for the automated monitoring system. Inherent possibilities for self policing. Patients will enjoy a common community. Opportunity to provide means for family members to video chat with patients over the communal network. Community network builds upon itself as the number of patient members grows.

8 Demo!

9 Open Discussion Proposal Development

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