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Level 1.5 Processing Updates Martin Bates, RAL GIST 24 15 th December, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Level 1.5 Processing Updates Martin Bates, RAL GIST 24 15 th December, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 1.5 Processing Updates Martin Bates, RAL GIST 24 15 th December, 2005

2 Contents Geolocation –optical models for V999 reprocessing –updates for and since Oct 2005 Calibration Processing –fixed gains What else do we need/want for release ? (non- GEO) –confidence flags (QF anomaly) –handling of anomalies (counting data) –ARG duplication ?

3 Optical Models Square: 20040601 Cross:20040722 Star:20050115 very basic: just use col 140 from one TOTAL image at midday Use detector “banana” based on RGP L15G optimal fits Had been been using detector banana derived from lab PSF measurements (+ modelling) Used in V999 reprocessing, and in nrt system from Oct 05 restart

4 Automated Monitoring Plots Automated shortly after Oct restart Incorporated in eng plots beginning of December Used to spot E/W, N/S bulk shifts in GEO. Crucial if relying on manual interventions to maintain level 1.5 geo quality.

5 Column Azimuth SOL_SOE → “even” cols shifted wrt “odd” SOL_SOE noisy → column spacing noisy Limb scans in July 2003: columns are evenly spaced

6 Column spacing (before)

7 Column Spacing (after) CR-069 (non-parallel mirror): Implemented at Oct 29 start-up CR-070 (SOL_SOE fit): Implemented 14 Nov 11:52 CR-070 not ideal: lose any information on non-uniform column spacing

8 October 2005 Restart with optical model as for Dec 04 reproc Retuned to match geolocation for Aug 17. On start-up, needed to tune N/S by 0.75 pixels (done 03 Nov).

9 Calibration Running average gains implemented 20-Jul-2005 (and used in V999 reprocessing). Minor start-up effects seen Oct 2005 –“warm” or “cold” start debate Handling of outliers a potential issue –can be caused by anomalies (see later)

10 What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags NCR fixes ARG duplication

11 What is missing from processing for release ? What do we absolutely need for release ? What should we include if we can do it “quickly” What is not important for this release ?

12 What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags: –0: QF Anomaly –1: Direct Stray Light affecting image –2: Direct Stray Light affecting gains (no gain update) –3: Diffuse Stray Light –4: Stray Light in black body –(5-8: Spare stray light fields) –9: Black body temperature anomaly –10: Detector temperature warning –11: Detector temperature alarm –12: Using cal history for CAL (n/a with running ave. gains) –13: UTC time stamp errors –14: Recent orbit manoeuvre –15: SEVIRI off in last 6 hours –16: Start of Line Jitter –17: Scan Mirror Jitter (SOL_SOE, other TBD). –18: Using out of date TSOL Jitter values

13 Quartz Filter Anomaly

14 SOL noise e.g. eclipse 02 Nov 2005

15 What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags: NCR fixes –Trap counting data (NCR-195) –Distinguish sun-glint from byte-shift data (NCR-164) ARG duplication

16 Trap Counting Data (NCR-195)

17 Distinguish sunglint/byteshift data (NCR-164)

18 What is missing from processing for release ? Confidence Flags NCR fixes (L2) ARG renaming –G2_SEV1_L20L_20051210_120000_V002.hdf or –G2_SEV1_L20L_20051210_115325_V001.hdf

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