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2011/10/03 許志明 林意淳. Introduction to Lane-Position Detection Jun. 30, 2010 Lane-Position Detection Lane-Departure- Warning Systems Automated Vehicle- Control.

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Presentation on theme: "2011/10/03 許志明 林意淳. Introduction to Lane-Position Detection Jun. 30, 2010 Lane-Position Detection Lane-Departure- Warning Systems Automated Vehicle- Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011/10/03 許志明 林意淳

2 Introduction to Lane-Position Detection Jun. 30, 2010 Lane-Position Detection Lane-Departure- Warning Systems Automated Vehicle- Control Systems Driver-Attention Monitoring Systems 2 [ 2: McCall and Trivedi 2006] 許志明 6/30/10

3 Introduction to Lane-Position Detection Jun. 30, 2010 Lane-Departure- Warning Systems Automated Vehicle- Control Systems Driver-Attention Monitoring Systems 3 [ 2: McCall and Trivedi 2006] 許志明 6/30/10

4 Introduction to Lane-Position Detection Jun. 30, 2010 Lane-Position Detection Lane-Departure- Warning Systems Automated Vehicle-Control Systems Driver-Attention Monitoring Systems 4 Vehicle Surrounding Monitoring Systems For driver’s informationFor automated vehicles 許志明 6/30/10

5 Research issues Road scene Urban area Road borders Road markings Sky,Buildings Tree, Side walks Traffic sign … Road structured Road Non-Road Non- structured Road Static objects Dynamic objects Vehicles, bicycles Pedestrian … Rural area Without remarkable boundaries and markings Lane detection and tracking Land keeping Road detection Road surface detection Drivable detection Branched road detection Road following Traffic sign detection 3D Scene identification Environment perception Vehicles detection Bicycles detection Pedestrian detection Introduction to Road Detection 許志明 9/21/11

6 林意淳 6/27/11

7 NCS Topic (exp.) Stability (stabilization) Delay Constant Bounded Random (varying) Tradeoff Performance Network cost Guarantee stability Method LMI Robust stability analysis Sufficient cond. Computing bounded Lyapunov- based Stability analysis Switched system Hybrid MLJS Markov process (Discrete) Linear differential equation (cont.) Stochastic control theory Stability analysis Assumption Delay of ca # of accessing the network Application Inverted pendulum Numerical example 林意淳 4/12/11

8 [Yepez et al. 2002] [Dritsas et al. 2009] [Chen et al. 2009] [Lian et al. 2003] [Heemels et al. 2009] 林意淳 4/12/11

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