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A Period of Conflict o Strikes o 1 out of 5 workers went on strike o No war jobs primarily in steel industry o Strikes blamed on Bolshevism (Communism)

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3 A Period of Conflict o Strikes o 1 out of 5 workers went on strike o No war jobs primarily in steel industry o Strikes blamed on Bolshevism (Communism) o RED SCARE o Immigration brought fear Post - WWI o Race Riot o The “togetherness” of WWI is gone and integrated urban areas leads to conflict due to lack of jobs o 25 race riots in 1919 alone o Blacks joining communist party

4 URBAN VS. RURAL  Throughout the 1920s, Americans found themselves caught between urban and rural cultures  Urban life was considered a world of anonymous crowds, strangers, moneymakers, and pleasure seekers  Rural life was considered to be safe, with close personal ties, hard work and morals Cities were impersonal Farms were innocent

5 The Red Scare O Fear of domestic radicalism after Russian Revolution (1917) O Americans assumed the worst. O A “communist conspiracy.” throughout the US

6 Advertising o Advocate of consumer culture and its use rose tremendously in the 1920s – mouth piece for consumer culture o Ads aimed many times at women as new technology aimed to give women more leisure time and less housework o Bruce Barton – tremendous agent of ads who began to talk to producers about how to “get” to “consumers” – changed America o A rise in the consumer culture instead of product culture: CONSUMER PRODUCT 1. Leisure Time1. Hard Work 2. Spend $$$2. Save $$$ 3. Enjoy Yourself3. Self-Discipline



9 Ku Klux Klan o 1920s sees a revival in Ku Klux Klan o Used fear of change (blacks in north and immigrants in the south) as way of reviving old methods of hatred o Tied to economic woes o Over 5 million members who seemed to need rituals, pageantry, and secrecy (similar to country during WWI) o Klan was not just anti-black,… (WASP) o Anti…immigrant, Catholic, Jewish o Tremendous fear of immigrants and sweeping attitude of returning to “good old days” o Harding calls it NORMALCY o KKK pushes for immigration restrictions (which do occur) and uses patriotism as their selling point o 1921/1924 immigration acts o KKK declines as leadership crumbles under charges of tax evasion and moral misdemeanors

10 The Ku Klux Klan Great increase In power Anti-black Anti-immigrant Anti-women’s suffrage Anti-bootleggers Anti-Semitic Anti-Catholic

11 Automobile o The car was at the center of change and progress in U.S. during the 1920s o Henry Ford – Assembly Lines o Went to Detroit at age 16 o Talked to Thomas Edison about engines o Did not invent the car but he was the key figure in mass production o 8,000 cars owned in 1900 o 500,000 cars owned in 1908 o 8,000,000 cars owned in 1920 o Changed our society and our thinking

12 Women in the 1920s o Flappers o “new breed of women” o Wore short skirts, bobbed hair, excessive makeup o Going against social norms of the day o More jobs available for women after WWI o Growing economy made room for women to join the workforce o 19 th amendment o Women getting the right to vote o Equal Rights Amendment o men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction

13 “Flappers”



16 Popular Culture o Literature o The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald o All Quiet on the Western Front – Erich Maria Remarque o The Sun Also Rises – Ernest Hemingway o Music o Jazz became the most popular music o Country music was on the rise o Dancing o Dance clubs become popular o Foxtrot, waltz, American tango o The Charleston o Sports o Babe Ruth o Lou Gehrig o Jack Dempsey

17 Celebrities Babe Ruth & Ty Cobb Jack Dempsey Charles Lindbergh The Spirit of St. Louis

18 Charles Lindbergh O The greatest hero of the 1920s O The first person to fly an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean alone O Flew from New York to Paris O Called “Lucky Lindy” because he had to fly for 33 ½ hours and didn’t carry a parachute, a radio, or a map

19 Prohibition o 18 th Amendment o National ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol from 1920-1933 o 21 st Amendment ratified and alcohol was once again legal o Government tried to enforce the new law o By 1925 close to 50,000 speakeasies in New York City o Limited the consumption of alcohol but increased criminal activity o Organized crime and bootlegging o Powerful mobs and gangs used the black market to sell alcohol o Corruption in law enforcement, racketeering o Al Capone o American gangster –The Chicago Outfit o Sent to prison on tax evasion – Alcatraz

20 The Jazz Scene o The Jazz Age o Emergent of Jazz music and dance o The Charleston o African Americans credited with the the new jazz scene o Became socially accepted for the middle class o Many young Americans used jazz as a way to rebel against mainstream o Bessie Smith o Progressive women in the Jazz age o Influence many other women and African American artists o 8AD833C0-AC97-4A72-AB80- 8D1BF8B41519&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US 8AD833C0-AC97-4A72-AB80- 8D1BF8B41519&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US o The Birth of Jazz

21 The Harlem Renaissance o Cultural Movement throughout the 1920s o Explosion of African American pride and culture o Notable People o Louis Armstrong o Langston Hughes o W.E.B. DuBois o Duke Ellington o Bessie Smith o Ella Fitzgerald o Marcus Garvey

22 Stock Market Crash o Economy and lifestyle was boom throughout the 1920s o Technological innovations of the decade o Radio, automobile, aviation o Black Tuesday o October 1929 o The entire country was turned upside down o Lead the great depression o Brought the roaring 1920s to a stop

23 O The Roaring 20s – Video O cfm?guidAssetId=8AD833C0-AC97-4A72- AB80- 8D1BF8B41519&blnFromSearch=1&produc tcode=US# cfm?guidAssetId=8AD833C0-AC97-4A72- AB80- 8D1BF8B41519&blnFromSearch=1&produc tcode=US#

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