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Want to be an astronomer?. A 4000 year old observatory, built by/for astronomers. What is it?

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Presentation on theme: "Want to be an astronomer?. A 4000 year old observatory, built by/for astronomers. What is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Want to be an astronomer?

2 A 4000 year old observatory, built by/for astronomers. What is it?

3 Sailors had to use astronomy to find their way. Even Christopher Columbus in 1504 used his knowledge of astronomy to trick the natives into feeding his crew by predicting an eclipse

4 Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) - probably the most famous visual observer, a VERY interesting character...

5 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) -first to report use of the telescope for astronomy

6 1920s-1930s Edwin P. Hubble

7 1920s-1930s

8 Bernard Lyot

9 1950s- radio astronomy

10 Some astronomers work underground... Homestake mine Neutrino Observatory

11 1990s Hubble Space Telescope

12 Many astronomers use small telescopes- the STARE project finds planets around other stars. Tim Brown, NCAR, ca. 2000

13 Many of us use spacecraft, like RHESSI

14 21 st Century. 25 feet diameter telescopes. Gemini

15 Those computers, you'd better like them, we use them all the time.

16 Things astronomers do.. study the universe and have lots of fun doing it! Design, build, use telescopes, spacecraft, cameras etc (computers) Analyse data (computers) Build theoretical models (pencil+paper, computer) Read lots of research Publish results Educate/supervise students, talk to schoolkids! Go to great places (observatories, eclipses, meetings, the Space Station..)

17 To become an astronomer, you need to - want to (a lot) - really stick with it! - be good at math, science (physics, chemistry or biology) - get bachelor's, master's (PhD) degrees - want to (really a lot).

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