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TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT & STS Theory in education KIT workshop TA in der Lehre, Karlsruhe 1-2 July 2010 Ellen van Oost, University of Twente, The Netherlands.

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1 TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT & STS Theory in education KIT workshop TA in der Lehre, Karlsruhe 1-2 July 2010 Ellen van Oost, University of Twente, The Netherlands

2 Technology Assessment in Education at University of Twente Textbook: The Mutual Shaping of Technology and Society. A Technology Assessment approach Wim A. Smit & Ellen van Oost In three programmes at UT > Computer science (Bachelor) > Health science, (Bachelor) > Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (Master) + Various other educational programmes in the Netherlands (Eindhoven, Delft + higher vocational education)

3 Characteristics of the Textbook: : Theory & Practice Starts from theoretical perspective: Mutual Shaping of Technology and Society Focus on Constructive Technology Assessment Student TA-project in four steps + use insights of Technology dynamics Technology forecast Impact assessment Normative Evaluation Feedback to technology & societal developments (policy recommendations)

4 To give an impression: Table of content of the textbook  1. Introduction: Why TA and what is TA?  2. Co-evolution of society and technology: the phone as example.  3. Technology dynamics: a theoretical model  4. Studying societal impacts of technological development  5. Societal impacts of Information Technology  6. Normative evaluation and societal responsibilty  7. The rise and practice of TA  8. TA in Companies  9. Methods and Techniques of TA  10. Example study on Tracking & Tracing

5 Theory on Technology Dynamics  Social constructivist perspective  Technology is social: embodies social values & structures & power relations > prospective character > embodies societal impacts  Why TA? Why based in a mutual perspective theory?  Message: engineers not only make technology, but also shape society  Engineers have a responsibility to be reflexive on that point  Many positive impacts, but often too ….. (unforeseen impacts, non-acceptance, failures, social resistance)

6 Model: Quasi- evoluationary model  Quasi-evolutionary model of Technology Development  Why: quasi? Variation/selection processes interdependent/  Articulation processes (user articulation/ cultural articulation)  Dynamics: Path dependency,

7 Simple linear phase model: Technological Development with Feedback Loops

8 Possibilities for anticipation in the phase model

9 What can we say about possible social impact of new technology?  Impacts are partly embodied in the technology  Script: inviting & inhibiting Technology is political  Impacts are partly shaped in technology use  rebound / new unanticipaties uses  TA contributes to democratising process of shaping technology:  More perspectives on the table, clearer picture of interests and perspective of involved actors

10 Student TA-project in 4 steps + use insights of Technology dynamics 1.Technology forecast: - Traditional methods (trend extrapolation) but too technology dynamics (path dependency) 2.Impact assessment: - mapping actor perspectives + script analysis 3.Normative evaluation: - Interviews/ data search & analysis - learn to distinct: actor perspective – analyst perspective – personal perspective 4.Feedback to technology & societal developments (policy recommendations)

11 Points for discussion  Does STS theory on Technology Dynamics of provide an added value in teaching TA, in addition to common TA methods?  The “Future problem: ”Does STS theory has prospective potentials?

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