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 Computer and information research scientist make new technology and find ne ways to use existing technology. They study and solve complicated problems.

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2  Computer and information research scientist make new technology and find ne ways to use existing technology. They study and solve complicated problems in computing for busness

3  4-5 years of study after the bachelor’s degree.

4 YearSalary AmountPercent ProportionAmount of 3% increaseBeginning Salary for next year 0 100,0663,001.98 1 103,067.983,092.04 2 106, 3 109,344.823,280.34 4 112,625.163,378.75 5 116,003.19 3,480.12 6 119,484.033,584.52 7 123,068.553,692.06 8 126,760.613,802.82 9 130,563.433,916.90 10 134,480.33

5  Advanced math and other technical topics are critical in computing.

6  Employed of computer and information research scientist is expected to grow by 19 percent from 2010 to 2020.

7  Explore fundamental issues in computation and develop theories and models to address those issues  Help scientist and engineers solve complex computing problems  Analyze the results of their experiments  Publish their findings in academic journals

8  Computer and information science. of Oregon. 27 Feb. 2013.  Occupational outlook handbook. Thurs, march 29, 2012 bureau of labor statistics 27 Feb. 2013. Occupational outlook handbook. Thurs, march 29, 2012 bureau of labor statistics 27 Feb. 2013.<

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