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58:110 Computer-Aided Engineering Spring 2005 Grid Generation in GAMBIT By Xiongbin Liu Department of Mechanical and industrial engineering The University.

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Presentation on theme: "58:110 Computer-Aided Engineering Spring 2005 Grid Generation in GAMBIT By Xiongbin Liu Department of Mechanical and industrial engineering The University."— Presentation transcript:

1 58:110 Computer-Aided Engineering Spring 2005 Grid Generation in GAMBIT By Xiongbin Liu Department of Mechanical and industrial engineering The University of Iowa February 2005

2 Introduction GAMBIT: a tool for mesh or grid generation for a CFD solver Two kinds of meshes: (1) Structured mesh (rectangular grid) (2) Unstructured mesh (tetrahedrals (pyramid shape), prisms) Fluent: a CFD solver which can handle both kinds of meshes

3 Launch Gambit or Fluent 1. mkdir xxx 2. mkdir /var/tmp/name 3. cp ~/problem1/xxx /var/tmp/name 4. cd /var/tmp/name 5. gambit 6. cp xxx ~/problem1 source /usr/ui/class/aux/fluent_setup.csh

4 GAMBIT graphic user Interface (8 Components) main menu bar Operation Toolpad Form field Global Control Pad Description Windows Transcript Windows Command Box

5 Main Menu Bar Three Data Files: Filename.jou (Journal, text format, a list of geometry, mesh, zone) Filename.trn (Transcript, text format, a log of messages displayed) Filename.dbs (database, binary format, geometry, mesh)

6 Mouse operation Left-drag: rotate the model; middle-drag: translate the model; Right-drag: zoom the model in or out, rotate the view of the model about the center; Shift-left-click: highlight the entity in the graphics wiondows and include in the current active pick list.

7 Global Control Pad


9 GeometryMeshZonesTools

10 Basic elements of Geometry Vertex Edge Face Volume (if 3d)

11 Mesh generation Select mesh edges Spacing (Interval Size, Interval count) Ratio = 1 for Uniform MeshRatio <> 1 For Non Uniform mesh Generate mesh on the face Specify boundary Condition Export mesh data File-Export-Mesh-Export

12 Practice: Flow passing around half a cylinder (2d) 10 5 2 5 (0,0)

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