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The harvest moon is the moon… moon that is nearest to the autumnal equinox.

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Presentation on theme: "The harvest moon is the moon… moon that is nearest to the autumnal equinox."— Presentation transcript:


2 The harvest moon is the moon… moon

3 that is nearest to the autumnal equinox

4 An equinox occurs twice a year

5 at the period of fullness

6 when the tilt of the Earth's axisEarth

7 is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun

8 the Sun being vertically above a point on the EquatorEquator


10 All full moons rise around the time of sunset.


12 The moon rises about 50 minutes later each day…

13 as it moves in orbit around Earth


15 The Harvest Moon is Special Because…

16 the time difference between moonrise on successive evenings is shorter

17 which means that the moon rises approximately 30 minutes later

18 Perfect For Farmers because…

19 farmers can gather crops later into the day



22 As the SUN sets the MOON rises

23 and little people play on every moonbeam

24 Sprinkling their sparkling moon dust

25 down onto humankind


27 Harvest Moon Folklore

28 In Ancient times Gathering of the harvest was celebrated with religious rituals

29 The Legend of the Moon Festival The Legend of the Moon Festival 嫦娥奔月


31 Moon Festival most celebrated tradition in Singapore

32 Moonlight parties are held as families Dream upon the Moonlight!

33 Lanterns are decorated & hung around the community

34 Moon Cakes are eaten

35 Chinese tea


37 Wenzhou style These large lanterns are made up of 2 layers of paper White inside and color outside Lights are put inside so they glow Wenzhou Style





42 Wenzhou style

43 Suzhou Style Delicate Artistic Complicated paper cuts & design


45 Beijing Style Made with a steel base Covered with red silk Gold tassels includes“ Ruyi” a scepter for granting wishes Ruyi

46 Riddle Lanterns Placed on the doorway For New Years Riddles are placed inside The lantern

47 Sky Lantern Also called flying lantern Made of flame proof material Candle is put inside Warm air inside the lantern Causes it to fly Bring good wishes as fly


49 Lantern Requirement 1.Plan out and design your lantern 2.Decide what area you would like your “light” to shine through 3.Get hard poster paper color of your choice/heavy white paper 4.Trace and cut pattern of lantern 5.Using a xacto knife carefully cut away the negative space 6.*** Make sure you use a mat board for the table 7.Paint/draw/color a scene that best fits the poem and story entitle; “The Legend of the Moon Festival 嫦娥奔月 & Yo-Mei Mountain Moon by Li BaiThe Legend of the Moon Festival 嫦娥奔月 7.Glue cellophane on the inside of your lantern 8.Glue sections together

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