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1 ETP4HPC Background and Future ‘Building a Globally Competitive HPC Technology Industry in Europe’

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Presentation on theme: "1 ETP4HPC Background and Future ‘Building a Globally Competitive HPC Technology Industry in Europe’"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ETP4HPC Background and Future ‘Building a Globally Competitive HPC Technology Industry in Europe’

2 2 What is ETP4HPC and what its Objective is What it does for European HPC How it works What is in it for you By the end of this presentation you should know:

3 3 What is ETP4HPC? ETP4HPC, the European Technology Platform (ETP) for High-Performance Computing (HPC) ( is an organisation led by European HPC Technology providers with an objective to build a competitive HPC value chain in Europe. ETP4HPC is one of the European Technology Platforms (ETPs) recognised by the European Commission – European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are industry-led stakeholder fora that develop short to long-term research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level to be supported by both private and public funding.

4 4 What is ETP4HPC? SRA - a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) which outlines the research priorities of European HPC on its way to achieve Exascale capabilities within the Horizon 2020 Programme. PPP - one of the partners of the Contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) for HPC (together with the European Commission) the aim of which is building a competitive HPC Eco- system in Europe based on the provision of Technologies, Infrastructure and Applications.

5 5 To build a European world-class High-Performance Computing (HPC IT) technology value chain that will be globally competitive. To achieve a critical mass of convergent resources in order to increase the competitiveness of European HPC vendors and solutions. To leverage the transformative power of HPC in order to boost European competitiveness in science and business. To expand the HPC user base, especially SMEs (through facilitating access to HPC resources and technologies) and to open the possibilities for SMEs to participate in the provision of competitive HPC technology solutions. To facilitate the provision of innovative solutions to tackle grand societal challenges in Europe such as climate change, better healthcare, predicting and managing large scale catastrophes and energy-efficiency. To foster international cooperation in research and industry ETP4HPC’s Objectives

6 6 What is in it for European HPC? Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)

7 7 Purpose: R&D roadmap to develop HPC technology in Europe within Horizon 2020 Rationale: A window of opportunity for a European HPC Technology Value Chain - European strengths meet global opportunities: e.g.: energy efficiency & power, data, concurrency & scale, resiliency Europe’s HPC consuming power is not matched by its share in HPC systems

8 8 SRA - Impact

9 9 SRA - Ecosystem Context and Methodology

10 10 Strategic multi-dimensional vision

11 11 Strategic multi-dimensional vision

12 12 Strategic multi-dimensional vision

13 13 Strategic multi-dimensional vision

14 14 Strategic multi-dimensional vision

15 15 The timeline of the R&D program

16 16 Research priorities

17 17 What is in it for European HPC? cPPP Contractual Public-Private Partnership

18 18 HPC cPPP – Building a European HPC Ecosystem

19 19 What is a contractual Public Private Partnership ? – Contractual agreement signed both by EC and private partner(s) – Defining: Objective(s) Governance Commitment of the EC and of the private side Monitoring of the agreement Why a cPPP for HPC ? – To highlight the importance of HPC for Europe – To put in place an ambitious plan for HPC development in Europe – To increase the coordination of stakeholders

20 20 To build a European world-class High-Performance Computing (HPC IT) technology value chain that will be globally competitive. To support a EU leadership and world-wide excellence in key application domains for industry, science and society that are most important for Europe, - facilitating the provision of innovative solutions for grand societal challenges - allowing the development of the future applications for the next exascale computing generation EC Funds of 700 M€ for the Technology and Application pillars in order to implement the actions of the Strategic Research Agenda of ETP4HPC Matched by Industrial Investments cPPP’s Objective and Resources

21 21 How do we work? Incorporated as a Dutch association Open membership for organisations having R&D based in Europe Managed by a Steering board with 15 members representing: – Research centres (5) – European SMEs (3) – European controlled corporations (5) – International companies with R&D in Europe (2) Steering Board organization – Chairman – 2 Vice chairmen for PRACE coordination and HPC development – Secretary-Administrator, Treasurer Virtual office – BSC, CEA, Cineca+Eurotech, ParTec Work groups (Education, SMEs, IP and Exploitation, …)

22 22 ETP4HPC Timeline to date June 2012 – Announcement of the creation of the ETP – Vision Paper September 2012 – Meeting with VP of European Commission Neelie Kroes June 2012 - January 2013 – Strategic Research Agenda preparation February 2013 – First General Assembly H1 2013 – Discussion with European Commission on the HPC position in Horizon 2020 June 2013 – First version of cPPP proposal November 2013 – Signing of cPPP with EC Dec 2013 – 2014 /15 FETHPC Work Programme published

23 23 ETP4HPC Members 16 Founding Members Steering Board = 15 members 68 members as of March 2015 – Companies – SME – ISVs - Service providers - Research Centres…

24 24 – Opportunity to affect the EC Roadmap for HPC Technology and obtain first-hand information – Involvement in the ETP4HPC Working Groups – Opportunity to influence ETP4HPC and its activities – Full Members conduct HPC Technology research in Europe – Associate Membership open to all organisations Membership benefits: ETP4HPC’s objective is to: Build a European world-class High-Performance Computing (HPC IT) technology value chain that will be globally competitive. Support the development of the entire HPC Eco-system in Europe

25 25 THANK YOU! For more information visit contact:

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