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Presentation on theme: " E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America JRA1 – Activity Report and Plans Francisco Brasileiro Universidade Federal de Campina."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America JRA1 – Activity Report and Plans Francisco Brasileiro Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG (Brazil) Diego Scardaci Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – INFN (Italy) TB Meeting Itacuruça, 8-11.06.2008

2 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.1: Coordination of the Activity –Management set and defining its operation –All tasks have been started  Thanks to unfunded staff –Communication channels are being established  Skype meetings between manager and his deputy at least once per month  Fortnight e-mail summary reports from all developers  FB will establish a permanent communication channel with SA1 management  DS will do the same for NA3 Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 2

3 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Team Structure (man-power) –UFCG (48 unfunded PM and 72 funded PM)  Francisco Brasileiro  Rafael Silva (MSc stud.: policy management in grids)  José Flávio Mendes Jr. (MSc stud.: grid information systems)  Rodrigo Miranda (Leader engineer of OurGrid middleware) –INFN (6 unfunded PM and 28,85 funded PM)  Diego Scardaci –CIEMAT (6 unfunded PM and 21,75 funded PM)  Antonio Juan Rubio Montero Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 3

4 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Team Structure (task assignment) –TJRA1.1: Activity management (FB and DS) –TJRA1.2: Infra-structure services (Led by RS under close supervision of FB)  TJRA1.2.1: Seed Resources Sharing (FB, RS, RM)  TJRA1.2.2: Porting of gLite to Microsoft Windows platforms (DS)  TJRA1.2.3: Interoperability between gLite and OurGrid (FB, RS, RM)  TJRA1.2.4: Application and VO compliant execution environments through virtualization (AJ) –TJRA1.3: Application services (Lead by DS)  TJRA1.3.1: Digital archives (DS)  TJRA1.3.2: Secure Storage Service (DS)  TJRA1.3.3: Cooperative workflows and tagging (JF + SegHidro team)  TJRA1.3.4. Additional services (DS) –TJRA1.4: Middleware repository (All team)  DS is setting up the repository Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 4

5 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.2: Development of Infrastructure- oriented Additional Grid Services –TJRA1.2.1: Seed Resources Sharing  OurGrid 4.0alpha2 has just been released Includes authentication and XMPP-based communication Available at http://www, (there is a link at the EELA-2 JRA1 web page)http://www,  Seed Resource Sharing should be available in the OurGrid release planned for July 2008 Support for X.509 certificates Support for privacy Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 5

6 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.2: Development of Infrastructure- oriented Additional Grid Services –TJRA1.2.2: Porting of gLite to Microsoft Windows platforms  Windows port of gLite UI is available for gLite 3.1  Windows gLite Farm porting of the gLite WNs has been completed for gLite 3.0 (classic gLite CE, Torque-Maui/linux, can forward jobs to Windows WN updating properly the CE Torque-Maui client - same version used in the WNs) Windows gLite WNs for gLite 3.1 will be available at end of June 2008 The port of gLite Computing Node to windows is needed to have a “pure” Windows Farm (using CCS); this activity is in progress  Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 6

7 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.2: Development of Infrastructure- oriented Additional Grid Services –TJRA1.2.3: Interoperability between gLite and OurGrid  Architectural design for the interoperability OurGrid- gLite is done  It is likely that the execution of OurGrid on gLite- based EELA-2 sites will also be available at the end of July  Full interoperability should be available well before the MJRA1.4 deadline (M16) Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 7

8 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.2: Development of Infrastructure- oriented Additional Grid Services –TJRA1.2.4: Application and VO compliant execution environments through virtualization  VO support: VOMS server installed at CIEMAT/Madrid  Software packages to correctly manage VMs on gLite under development  Pilot Grid site with VM facilities working  Web page with technical information and howtos for joining other institutions to the initiative (not yet ready for publication) –We should try to take advantage of synergy that seems to exist between TJRA1.2.3 and TJRA1.2.4 Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 8

9 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.3: Development of Application- oriented Additional Grid Services –Digital Archives  GSAF is just available in a stable version  GSAF “pure” Java will be released at end of July  TGSAF (GSAF plus the transactional capabilities) Design has been completed Full TGSAF will be released by March 2009  Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 9

10 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.3: Development of Application- oriented Additional Grid Services –Secure Storage Service  Just available in a stable version  Next version will be released by September/October 2008 New feature: file access permission based on VOMS attributes  Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 10

11 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.3: Development of Application- oriented Additional Grid Services –Cooperative workflows and tagging  Prototype available for tagging data of Environmental Science Applications This is a product of the SegHidro Project Relies on a centralized database for tags  Working on a distributed version JF’s MSc dissertation  Cooperative workflow still not started Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 11

12 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.3: Development of Application-oriented Additional Grid Services –Additional application-driven grid services  GFAL Java API The GFAL library presents a Posix interface for the I/O operations  gLibrary/DRI gLibrary/DRI extends gLibrary, a system with a easy-to-use web front-end designed to save and organize multimedia assets on Grid-based storage resources  SAGE: Storage Accounting SAGE is a system to measure the usage of storage resources in a gLite based grid infrastructure and make this data available to DGAS (the accounting system of gLite) to account the storage at higher levels  WatchDog Watches the status of a running job when it runs on a working node  Utilities A set of utilities that allow users to easily manage gLite Services Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 12

13 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.3: Development of Application-oriented Additional Grid Services –Multiple Middleware Installation  Instruction to install on a single computer a "super" Grid User Interface having clients both for gLite and Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4):  Instruction to install on the machines of a single cluster both a gLite Computing Element and a GT4 job allocation manager thus making a "super" Grid Computing Element: ent  We will provide support to Site-Admins for multiple middleware installation  OurGrid co-existence will be compatible with multiple middleware resource centres Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 13

14 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America TJRA 1.4: Middleware Repository –EELA-Forge Site:  Forge is just available;  Customization for EELA-2 in progress  Two project categories Services for the Applications Services for the Infrastructure –We are preparing a survey to periodically collect users’ evaluation of the repository functionalities Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 14

15 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America Status of forthcoming milestones –MJRA1.1: PKI-enabled OurGrid middleware  This has already been achieved –MJRA1.2: Prototypes of the application-oriented and infrastructure-oriented services  Most of it has already been achieved  Cooperative workflow and tagging, as well as VO compliant Virtual Machine environments, are the more risky parts of this milestone Management procedures agreed will help keeping close track of advances –MJRA1.3: Common Information System between gLite and OurGrid up & running  This milestone has been affected by the change of focus from interoperability to co-existence Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 15

16 E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America JRA1 Resources –JRA1 Section in EELA-2 web site  Contains a summary of the activity goals and points to the Wiki site  –JRA1 Wiki Site  Contains descriptions and links for each JRA1 services  –EELA-Forge Site  All released software  Itacuruça, EELA-2 TB Meeting, 09.06.2008 16

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