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What other holidays do you know? I know___________. 你知道哪些节日?

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2 What other holidays do you know? I know___________. 你知道哪些节日?

3 When’s New Year’s Day? What do people usually do on New Year’s Day? They usually … What did I do last New Year’s Day?

4 Did you …….last New Year’s Day? You may answer: Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. What did I do last New Year’s Day?

5 Look and say. 观察图片,捕捉关键信息。 When?Who?Where?How?What? Dec.18 Christmas Mr Green, students In their classroom talk about holidays get excited 阅读前, 可借助相关图片信息初步了解文章相关背景。

6 Dec.18 It is___________________. ___________is coming. The teachers and students are getting ________. Today, Mr Green is _________________________________. 1 talking to his students about holidays the 18 th of DecemberChristmas excited

7 New Year’s Day Spring FestivalHalloween Mid-Autumn Festival Q: What holidays are they talking about? ChristmasNational DayThanksgiving Day Children’s Day Watch and tick. 观看卡通,勾出相应的图片。

8 New Year’s Day Spring FestivalHalloween Mid-Autumn Festival ChristmasNational Day Children’s Day Q: What holidays are they talking about? Thanksgiving Day Watch and tick. 观看课文动画,勾出相应的图片。 √ √ √√√ 元旦圣诞节 春节 中秋节

9 How do they talk about holidays? 1.Read the text by yourselves. Pay attention to the questions. 独立朗读课文对话,注意问句。 2. Underline the main questions in the text. You may discuss with each other. 在课文的主要问题下划线, 可以相互讨论。

10 Tips : 1. 自己朗读一遍课文,然后将关键词和短语填写在表格里。 2. 四人或者三人一组,校对表格内容,汇报时可以采用一人问,其他人 答的形式,并尽量用完整的句子表达。 HolidaysWhen?What do people usually do?What did…do last year? had a big lunch visited relatives and friends dress up in costumes go to parties went to a party watched themoon New Year’s Day Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival Halloween 3. Read in details, finish the table. 细读课文,小组合作完成节日信息并汇报 。 1 st of January in January or February watched the moon

11 HolidaysWhen?What dopeople usually do?What did…do last …? had a big lunch visited relatives and friends went to a party watched themoon New Year’s Day Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival Halloween In January or February On the 1st of January go to parties visit relatives and friends eat a lot of delicious food relative [e][ə][i] A.uncle,aunt,cousin… B.people who live nearby delicious [i][i][ə][ə] nice

12 HolidaysWhen?What dopeople usually do? What did …do Last…? had a big lunch visited relatives and friends went to a party watched themoon New Year’s Day Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival Halloween In January or February On the 1st of January In October go to parties visit relatives and friends eat a lot of delicious food dress up in costumes go to parties A. 穿着连衣裙 B. 戏服装扮

13 HolidaysWhen?What do people usually do? What did…do last…? had a big lunch visited relatives and friends went to a party New Year’s Day Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival Halloween In January or February On the 1st of January In October In September or October go to parties visit relatives and friends eat a lot of delicious food dress up in costumes go to parties watch the moon play with lanterns eat moon cakes watched the moon

14 Let’s read. 1.Read after the tape.( 注意要模仿语音语调哦 ) 2.Read in groups. 选择自己喜欢的方式:可以跟读,可以齐读, 可以分角色读 …… (还得注意语音语调哦)

15 Try to talk about the holidays according to the text! 你能根据课文内容谈论或介绍这几个节日吗? Try to talk about the holidays in groups. 小组内根据关键词提示交流或复述课文中 不同节日的相关内容。 ( 每个小组可以选一个节日,也可以选择多个节日。 ) Learning tip (学习方法小提示) : 当我们根据课文内容交流或表达时,可以整理出 文中的关键词语作为提示。

16 My favourite holiday My favourite holiday is New Year’s Day. It’s on the first of January. People usually go to parties. I like it very much. Because I can meet my friends. My son and I played in the park last year. We had a good time.

17 What’s your favourite holiday? My favourite holiday is. It’s in/on. People usually. I like it very much. Because. I_______ _________ __ last______. ……

18 “H" means everybody’s happy on that day, "O" means that is open time we have, “L" means the day full of love and luck, “I" means interesting things we can do, “Day" is for everyone to enjoy, Put them all together, They spell “HOLIDAY", A word that means A way to come together and make things better. “H” 代表每个人的快乐, “O” 代表开放的相聚时光, “L” 代表充满爱与幸运的日子, “I” 代表我们做的各种有趣的事, “DAY” 是每个人都欢度的日子, 将这些放在一起, 组成了 “HOLIDAY", 一个单词意味着一种相聚的方式, 让所有的事情变得更加美好。


20 Listen to Part A of Unit 6 and read it loudly. 听课文录音, 大声跟读并模仿。 Surf the Internet and get more information about other holidays. 上网了解更多节日信息。 Write something about your favourite holiday. 写话: My favourite holiday

21 HolidaysWhen?What dopeople usually do? had a big lunch visited relatives and friends dress up in costumes go to parties went to a party watched themoon New Year’s Day Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival Halloween In January or February On the 1st of January go to parties visit relatives and friends eat a lot of delicious food

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