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Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Know Your Resources: How to use funding data to strengthen your messages in the critical push for.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Know Your Resources: How to use funding data to strengthen your messages in the critical push for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Know Your Resources: How to use funding data to strengthen your messages in the critical push for investing in the end of AIDS Global Village Session Room 2 Monday, 23 July 5:00 pm

2 Total resources continue to grow…….. Source: UNAIDS, 2012 International resourcesTotal resources available, with estimated range US$ billions Domestic resources in low- and middle-income countries

3 …..but fall short of investment needs 2015 Source: UNAIDS, 2012

4 Critical Issues Investment by non-traditional donors Domestic financing, including its allocative efficiency Investment into innovation (R&D)

5 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Financing the Response to AIDS in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: International Assistance from Donor Governments in 2011 Authors: Jennifer Kates (Kaiser Family Foundation), Adam Wexler (Kaiser Family Foundation), Eric Lief (Stimson), Benjamin Gobet (UNAIDS).. July 2012

6 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July International AIDS Assistance from Donor Governments: Commitments & Disbursements, 2002-2011 USD billions Commitments (Enacted Amounts) Disbursements Sources: UNAIDS and Kaiser Family Foundation analyses; Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria online data queries; UNITAID Annual Report 2011; UNITAID Audited Financial Report for the period 2010-2011; OECD CRS online data queries. Notes: Bilateral funding includes HIV-earmarked multilateral funding but does not include the Global Fund or UNITAID. Global Fund contributions adjusted to represent estimated HIV share based on Global Fund grant disbursements by disease to date (56% for HIV). UNITAID contributions adjusted to represent estimated HIV share based on grant allocations by disease to date (52.2% for HIV). Data from 2002 and 2003 do not include Global Fund contributions. See Methodology for additional detail.

7 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Funders Concerned About AIDS & European HIV/AIDS Funders Group

8 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Main Findings: FCAA

9 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Main Findings: EFG


11 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July 2010 TB R&D investments witnessed a 76% increase over 2005 levels but only 2% growth since 2009. TB R&D Funding Through the Years: 2005-2010 $700,000,000 $525,000,000 $350,000,000 $175,000,000 $0 200520062007200820092010 $357,426,170 $417,824,708 $473,920,682 $491,476,917 $619,209,536 $630,446,462

12 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Key Achievements: 1.Raised the annual TB R&D funding target from $890 million to $2 billion 2.Introduced new targets for fundamental science & operational research

13 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July

14 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July “Increased funding for health should translate into increased human resources, strengthened service delivery systems, improved financial, programme management and monitoring capacity and systems, and ultimately, improved health outcomes. The national budget estimates do indicate progress in general financing overall; however, provincial budget statements will shed more light on how these national allocations will be distributed and utilised by the provincial structures tasked with implementation of most public programmes. Scarcity of financial resources remains the biggest problem in delivering public policy, and thus both national and provincial governments must spend the allocated funds efficiently and effectively.” Extract from CEGAA’s Budget Policy Brief, 2012 National Budget Analysis. “Increased funding for health should translate into increased human resources, strengthened service delivery systems, improved financial, programme management and monitoring capacity and systems, and ultimately, improved health outcomes. The national budget estimates do indicate progress in general financing overall; however, provincial budget statements will shed more light on how these national allocations will be distributed and utilised by the provincial structures tasked with implementation of most public programmes. Scarcity of financial resources remains the biggest problem in delivering public policy, and thus both national and provincial governments must spend the allocated funds efficiently and effectively.” Extract from CEGAA’s Budget Policy Brief, 2012 National Budget Analysis. “…The Centre for Economic Governance and AIDS in Africa (CEGAA), in partnership with the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), have put this brief together in support of the implementation of the South African National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and STIs, including implementation of the TB Control Programme. They do this mainly through the provision of capacity building and research support on budget monitoring and expenditure tracking for effective management of health, HIV/AIDS and TB interventions in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces. More activities are planned at district level to identify challenges and achievements in delivering HIV/AIDS and TB services, and to suggest workable recommendations for all roleplayers for the improvement of the health care systems and the actual service delivery.” Extract from CEGAA’s Analysis of the 2010 Eastern Cape Provincial Budget. “…The Centre for Economic Governance and AIDS in Africa (CEGAA), in partnership with the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), have put this brief together in support of the implementation of the South African National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and STIs, including implementation of the TB Control Programme. They do this mainly through the provision of capacity building and research support on budget monitoring and expenditure tracking for effective management of health, HIV/AIDS and TB interventions in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces. More activities are planned at district level to identify challenges and achievements in delivering HIV/AIDS and TB services, and to suggest workable recommendations for all roleplayers for the improvement of the health care systems and the actual service delivery.” Extract from CEGAA’s Analysis of the 2010 Eastern Cape Provincial Budget.

15 What we know about investments in hepatitis and the need for new advocacy tools Chris Taylor, Associate Director, Viral Hepatitis AIDS 2012 – Global Village Session July 23, 2012

16 The Budget Landscape  Very little funding dedicated to viral hepatitis –US – CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis ~$30 million –US – NIH ~$100 million –US – Other agencies – very little to no dedicated funding –WHO – very few staff assigned to viral hepatitis  Need greatly outweighs available funding  Relying on public/private partnerships

17 How You Can Help!  Work with hepatitis advocates in your area  Assist with identifying hepatitis funding while conducting HIV resource tracking  Carry hepatitis advocacy messages  Look at co-infection rates and develop a strategy  Ask like-minded donors to consider hepatitis also  Share your expertise about resource tracking

18  World Hepatitis Alliance –  National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable – Chris Taylor Associate Director, Viral Hepatitis 202.434.8090

19 Working world wide against HIV for the health and human rights of men who have sex with men Working world wide against HIV for the health and human rights of men who have sex with men Resource Tracking: Global HIV investments in Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People Krista Lauer, MSc. The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF)

20 Working world wide against HIV for the health and human rights of men who have sex with men A survey of HIV prevalence among MSM compared with HIV Prevalence in the General Population (Aged 15 and over) in 36 LIMC Source: Beyrer C, Baral SD, Walker D, Wirtz AL, Johns B, Sifakis F. The Expanding Epidemics of HIV Type 1 Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Low- and Middle-Income Countries:Diversity and Consistency [published online ahead of print June 23 2010]. Epidemiol Review. 2010;32(1):137–51.

21 Working world wide against HIV for the health and human rights of men who have sex with men Percentage of HIV Prevention Spending Among MSM Versus HIV Prevention Spending on Others in 22 Low- and Middle-Income Countries (2009) Source: UNAIDS. 2010. Country Spending reports.

22 Working world wide against HIV for the health and human rights of men who have sex with men Key Findings Most major bilateral, multilateral and private philanthropic funders that focus on HIV do not consistently track their investments targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people Among U.N. Member States: – only 25% recorded levels of HIV prevention spending for MSM in 2010 – no country tracked spending for transgender people Among the 42 low- and middle-income countries that reported on MSM spending to UNAIDS in 2010: – an average of 2% of national HIV prevention budgets was dedicated to MSM ($15.8 million in total) – Nearly 75% of that sum came exclusively from international sources Recommendations: TRANSPARENCY: Major bilateral, multilateral, and private philanthropic donors and national governments must consistently track and publicly report HIV investments targeting MSM and transgender people in low- and middle-income countries. MATCH INVESTMENT TO THE EPIDEMIC: Bilateral, multilateral, and private philanthropic agencies and national governments must exponentially increase their contributions to MSM and transgender communities in low- and middle-income countries.

23 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July

24 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Major Findings Percentage of PEPFAR country budgets (excluding treatment costs) planned for MSM-related activities, FY 2007–FY 2009 do less to track and understand the epidemic in their nations… and are more likely to repurpose donor funds intended to fight the epidemic among MSM Countries that criminalize same-sex sexual practices… spend fewer resources on HIV-related health services for MSM … Country200620082010Big 3 China3-5 Ethiopia--- Guyana214 India455 Mozambique--- Nigeria-5- Ukraine355 Viet Nam155 Country reporting on MSM-related indicators by reporting period compared with full reporting on “Big 3” over the same period (blood safety, ART access, and PMTCT). Funding attrition for MSM programs in Global Fund grants (selected)

25 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July THANK YOU! More Info: –Session resource guide –Detailed responses from each speaker –Additional resources & publications –Examples of RT-based advocacy/educational messaging Questions? – –

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