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Draft Collaboration Model for HLLHC-DS HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010.

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1 Draft Collaboration Model for HLLHC-DS HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

2 Why a collaboration? LHC is a world machine while CERN is a European Organization. The HLLHC goals require the best competence worldwide. The CERN Council asked CERN to carry out accelerator projects in a collaborative framework. HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

3 Why a FP7 Design Study? It offers a well-defined, stable and experienced organizational framework. It may bring 2 ME, and up to 4 ME (?), i.e. between 5 and 10% of the total HLLHC design cost. This can be significant for smaller partners. It gives a EU rubber-stamp that can be important for partners (compliance with ESFRI roadmap). HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

4 What if the DS proposal is not accepted by the EC reviewers? Provided the partners agree, the DS shall be conducted exactly as described in the proposal, but without EU funding. HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

5 Organization and Governance principles I 1.The DS proposal document will be used to define the organization and governance for the whole HLLHC project. The budget however will be defined for the DS only. Separate negotiations will be run for the cost sharing of the project implementation. 2.The collaboration model will be inspired by that of the experiments, taking into account the goal of the project as being an upgrade of a major existing CERN accelerator. 3.As a consequence, the HLLHC project leader-HLLHC- DS coordinator will eventually report to the CERN Directorate for what concerns the responsibility areas of the CERN DG and Council. HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

6 Organization and Governance principles II 4.All partners will be represented and have one vote in the project Governing Board. Decisions are expected by consensus, after suitable preparation, including advising from an Advisory Committee and appropriate reviews. 5.Necessarily, work units will be inside or outside the FP7 DS proper. This difference shall only be visible at the funding and EU reporting levels, but invisible at other levels. HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

7 CERN Council & DG Collaboration BoardAdvisory Committee Project Coordinator Project Office: Resource manager Technical coordinators Steering Committee R&D on enabling technologies Design StudiesTechnical Design WP1 WP2WPn FP7 Design Study framework Organization model for HLLHC Jpk 27/4/2010 EuCARD USLARP HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

8 Organization and Governance principles III 6.The partners are associated since the very beginning of the DS at all levels of the governance and will thereby benefit from all information. 7.The “users” and providers of essential facilities (e.g. IT) are associated from the beginning in the most suitable way (WP, governance, advisory committee,…) 8.To better reflect the collaborative framework, it may be decided to grant project responsibilities throughout the HLLHC-DS project on a two or three year basis, with possibilities of renewals. The ATLAS model is especially interesting in this respect. HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

9 Organization and Governance principles IV 9.Estimates of costs will have to be provided for material and manpower. 10.However, partners should only commit to deliverables. 11.Partners not funded by the EC will not have to provide financial reports to the EC. HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

10 EuCARD experience Funding: CERN, as coordinator and host lab only funded for management and coordination (possibly some fellows?) and partners funded for all activities at a level to be defined, depending on the definition of costs (level of overheads, average costs per countries,…) Reporting: one year period should be sufficient for a well centralized project. HLLHC-DS Meeting 20th July 2010

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